Best practice for resource recovery centres

Last updated: 10 September 2024

This will help divert materials from landfill and ensure the safe management and handling of recovered materials and residual waste.

Better practice at resource recovery centres benefits owners, operators and other stakeholders through:

  • improved environmental performance
  • more resources diverted from landfill
  • less risk of community complaints
  • reduced environmental risk
  • improved occupational health and safety
  • improved operational efficiencies
  • a more sustainable long-term business model
  • assistance when applying for funding or grants
  • improving a facility’s overall cost structure
  • helping to mitigate against future changes in site design and operations if required by changes to licensing requirements.

How to use the guide

The guide will help with assessing a facility either during site development or upgrade, or while operating and managing a site against five better practice performance areas:

  • Risk management
  • Meeting stakeholder needs
  • Financial sustainability
  • Smart materials management
  • Futureproofing.

The guidance materials enable continuous improvement as well as providing information about minimum standards.

Download the guide