Funded project – Lithium-Ion Battery Waste Metals Recovery

Last updated: 30 April 2024
Project lead: Enviropacific Services Limited
Status: In progress
Funding source: Circular Economy Infrastructure Fund: Hazardous Waste – Round 3
Funding amount: $1,000,000

Enviropacific is building a new plant to process and recover key materials from lithium-ion battery waste (black mass) and reintegrating them into the Australian market.

Victoria Hazardous waste Circular Economy Infrastructure Fund Lithium-ion batteries Enviropacific Black mass Stawell


Currently only a small amount of lithium-ion battery waste is being recycled in Australia. Enviropacific will build a plant in Stawell to recycle lithium-ion battery waste. The facility will provide an onshore solution for recycling, hydrometallurgical processing and recovery of key materials from lithium-ion battery waste (black mass) and reintegrate them into the Australian market, creating a circular economic pathway. This project will likely increase uptake in collection and sorting of waste batteries for recovery.


  • Higher level processing of lithium-ion battery waste (black mass) to extract high purity rare earth elements for reintegration into the local market.
  • Increase economic development opportunities through creation of larger job market associated with materials recovery activities.
  • Build confidence in continual circular economy of precious materials through onshore processing and recovery.
  • Reduce export of lithium-ion battery waste for further processing and incentivise development of impactful collection systems within Australia.
  • Reduce the amount and impact of waste going to landfill.

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Read more about Enviropacific.

Get in touch


Jared Roberts, Regional Manager – Remediation VIC/TAS /SA 0428 813 475