Funded project – Hazardous liquid waste processing plant upgrade

Last updated: 23 August 2023
Project lead: Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (Veolia)
Status: In progress
Funding source: Circular Economy Infrastructure Fund: Hazardous Waste – Round 2
Funding amount: $1,666,554

Replacement and upgrade of the existing liquid waste processing plant in Brooklyn, Victoria, with a more efficient, modern and automated plant.

Victoria Hazardous waste Circular Economy Infrastructure Fund Liquid waste plant Veolia Brooklyn


Veolia will replace and upgrade their existing liquid waste plant in Brooklyn with a more efficient, modern and automated plant. It is estimated that the new plant will increase the system capacity by at least 20%.

The commissioning of the new plant will allow the decommissioning and demolition of the old plant and the use of that space to install extra hazardous waste receival and treatment capacities, enabling treatment of other types of hazardous wastes and increasing recovery and landfill diversion rates in Victoria.


  • Increase the recovery and local reprocessing of hazardous waste, and to manage this material in line with the waste hierarchy.
  • Increase the use and quality of recycled materials for remanufacturing and to make new products.
  • Increase economic development opportunities such as jobs, economic performance and growth of hubs.
One of Veolia's specialist hazardous liquid waste tankers in front of the onsite laboratory and the Indirect Thermal Desorption Unit, a previous state government co-funded project with the help of the Hazardous Waste Fund.

Learn more

Read more about the Brooklyn treatment plant, a facility licenced to receive and process hazardous waste in all forms.

Download Veolia's 'Liquid and hazardous waste treatment and recovery' guide (pdf, 5.0 MB).

Get in touch

Andrew Macauley
State Manager, Liquid and Hazardous Waste