2017 ResourceSmart Schools Awards

Last updated: 20 September 2024

In 2017 the Awards celebrated its tenth anniversary. The year’s awards focused on the theme ‘a decade of school wins for the environment’ and have inspired school communities to take sustainability and climate action, while providing learning opportunities for students.


School of the Decade

Winner: St Louis de Montfort Primary School (Aspendale)

St Louis de Montfort’s Primary is a 5 Star ResourceSmart School that has embedded sustainability into its school culture over a long period.

Staff and students lead by example and educate the broader community about the benefits of sustainability. The school continuously demonstrates a commitment to educate the wider community on sustainability issues by hosting large scale events like the Steps to Sustainability Conference, as well as running workshops at events including the Victorian Schools Gardens Garden Show, the Big Green Schools Conference and the Kids Teaching Kids Conferences.

Classrooms contain composting bins, paper collection trays, reminder signage to turn off lights and computers when not in use, and recommended temperatures for heating and cooling.

Outside walls display artworks promoting water saving initiatives and large water tanks supply water to toilets, gardens and tennis courts. The sustainability precinct contains a kitchen made from converted shipping containers, wood-fired pizza oven, grey water pond, garden beds, aquaponics ponds and beds, re-used tyre and sleeper walls and amphitheatre, permaculture area, compost system, orchard, rabbit hutch, bird aviary, chicken coop, swales (wetlands).

St Louis de Montfort’s Primary is a 5 Star ResourceSmart School that has embedded sustainability into its school culture over a long period.

Staff and students lead by example and educate the broader community about the benefits of sustainability. The school continuously demonstrates a commitment to educate the wider community on sustainability issues by hosting large scale events like the Steps to Sustainability Conference, as well as running workshops at events including the Victorian Schools Gardens Garden Show, the Big Green Schools Conference and the Kids Teaching Kids Conferences.

Classrooms contain composting bins, paper collection trays, reminder signage to turn off lights and computers when not in use, and recommended temperatures for heating and cooling.

Outside walls display artworks promoting water saving initiatives and large water tanks supply water to toilets, gardens and tennis courts. The sustainability precinct contains a kitchen made from converted shipping containers, wood-fired pizza oven, grey water pond, garden beds, aquaponics ponds and beds, re-used tyre and sleeper walls and amphitheatre, permaculture area, compost system, orchard, rabbit hutch, bird aviary, chicken coop, swales (wetlands) and reptile enclosures. This amazing precinct provides hands-on learning opportunities for students, who learn about the importance of sustainability across curriculum areas including English, maths, science and technology, and are rewarded with ‘sustainabux’ for acting sustainably.

St Louis have grown from a community with little knowledge about sustainability to a community that is passionate, engaged and active at the school level and in the wider community.

From the time you step into the school their progressive approach to sustainability is visible, awards proudly displayed, events advertised and then when you arrive at the sustainability precinct you will see children proudly immersed in hands on learning in natural environments. The school has a clear vision and sustainability plan implemented with great pride.


Leadership School of the Year

Winner: St Louis de Montfort Primary School, Aspendale

St Louis de Montfort’s Primary has demonstrated outstanding sustainability leadership through all its students and staff. Student Waste and Energy Warriors lead their classes to ensure waste and energy reduction in all classrooms. This year’s student leaders introduced the ‘Sustainabux’ program, which has helped improve sustainability practices across the school by rewarding individuals and classes for taking positive sustainable actions. Students can collect and redeem their sustainabux for prizes including movie afternoons, extra play or chip lunches. The student leaders are role models and impart their sustainability knowledge to fellow students, teachers, staff, parents and members of the wider community through both their actions and words.

The staff have incorporated sustainable education across all areas of the Victorian Curriculum and lead students in the inquiry-based approach to learning. Staff are provided with professional development opportunities to learn about new and current approaches to sustainable education, and the school has initiated the ‘Friends of Aspendale Train Station Group’. In addition, the school has demonstrated its leadership by recently expanding its sustainability precinct, installing solar panels with a battery system and reducing its rubbish collection. The school demonstrated a great ability to involve the wider community and constantly reinvent their approach to sustainability.


Biodiversity School of the Year – Primary

Winner: Firbank Grammar, Sandringham

Firbank Grammar delivers an entire suite of programs to influence students to live more sustainably as they move into adulthood. Sustainability can be seen across the school grounds and features strongly in the school’s curriculum. The introduction of native and drought tolerant plants has enhanced the sustainable environment of the school and the whole school community takes part in National Tree Planting Day to increase native vegetation in the school. Students have attracted wildlife to the area by increasing understory and vegetation structure, creating a nature trail project and creating mosaic bird baths.

Students examine ecosystems and explore a variety of concepts like responsibility and causation to understand how plants and animals respond and adapt to changes in the environment. The school set-up an exhibition with the theme ‘Sharing the Planet’ to demonstrate students’ understanding of endangered species and how ecosystems are impacted by climate change and other factors. Judges were impressed by the holistic approach the school is taking to biodiversity and the introduction of the nature trail was thought to be a wonderfully positive initiative.


Biodiversity School of the Year – Secondary

Winner: Kyneton Secondary College, Kyneton

Kyneton Secondary students have been working with the Macedon Ranges Environment Department and local Landcare groups to conduct field studies on insect populations at Bald Hill Reserve, a patch of remnant vegetation near Kyneton. By monitoring insect diversity in potential habitat sites, scientists are hoping to identify how the availability of certain foods impacted the continued presence of the Phascogale marsupial in a given location. Students visit the reserve and see first-hand how the destruction of native forests has led to declines in native animal populations.

This collaborative project gives students the unique opportunity to work with scientists and volunteers to gather real-life data that will help in the protection of the Brush-tailed Phascogale in the Macedon Ranges, as well as strengthening ties between the school and the local community. For the past year the Sustainability Group at Kyneton Secondary College has worked with the community to run regular tree planting events along the Campaspe River. Since July, 2016 in excess of 1500 native trees have been planted in this area. The judges liked the use of students’ data to conserve an endangered species, alongside the collaboration with a variety of stakeholders on this project.


Waste School of the Year – Primary

Winner: Manchester Primary School, Mooroolbark

Every student, staff member and visitor is encouraged to be waste aware and follow the school waste policy. Students are conscious of the dangers of litter to the environment and wildlife not only in the school-ground but via the storm-water drains to the Yarra River and the ocean. They explore a variety of global waste problems like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and impacts on animal and plant life. A four bin system is in every class-room, supported by student ‘Bin Monitors’ who ensure correct disposal and a group of students called ‘Waste Warriors’ scour the school-grounds for rubbish and report back to their grade.

Students also visit the vegie garden to use the worm farm and compost bin. In addition, the Parent Club seeks advice on how to reduce waste when running fund raising events and the LOTE and art programs focus on reducing the purchase of excess packaging, reusable bags, rubbish free lunches and recycled art materials. Teachers began putting Environmental Sustainability in their annual programs and reminding younger students of what goes in each bin. The school purchased solar panels with the money saved as part of their participation in the ResourceSmart Schools program.


Waste School of the Year – Secondary

Winner: Nossal High School, Berwick

Nossal High School did not just complete the ResourceSmart Schools waste module, they completely overhauled the school culture. While working through the waste module, the number of Nossal Environmental Sustainability Team (NEST) members grew from around 15 to a massive 60. The students, whether NEST members or not, are getting involved, having the conversations about waste and creating positive change. They have reduced waste to landfill by 40 cubic metres and saved significant amounts of money.

The school is a relatively young school and had very few waste management or awareness systems in place before the waste module focus. Classes in the school are adapting and changing to incorporate waste studies components in their curriculum. For example in Japanese, students learn about recycling practices in Japan. In Chemistry, students are taught best practice and safest ways to dispose of waste chemicals. The school uses an online program for information sharing rather than printing on paper illustrating their commitment to eliminating waste. The school is dedicated to waste reduction and integrating sustainability into daily learning streams.


Water School of the Year – Primary

Winner: Exford Primary School, Exford

Exford Primary School have instigated a whole of school approach to water safety. This school is in a unique position as rain water tanks service the entire school for water supply, using storm water to flush toilets and water the gardens. Exford’s population has grown dramatically over the past few years, and the need for staff and students to take notice of the water supply is vital. As such, sustainability and water management has become a
focus in the classroom. Students and staff actively go out of their way emptying the drip buckets daily, checking they are placed correctly, hand watering plants with a miniature tank and creating water saving posters and projects to remind everybody within our community of the benefits of saving water. Additionally, students have been on a variety of excursions, like to Western Water encouraging them to continue saving water in the home.
The passion of staff and students to continue this sustainable activity and minimising water usage is much admired. As a result of the water safety program the gardening club has seen a large number of new members.


Water School of the Year – Secondary

Winner: Warringa Park School, Hoppers Crossing

The Bethany Campus of the Warringa Park Secondary School has been specially designed for years’ eight to ten. Year eight and nine students at the Bethany Road Campus actively participate in a global water conservation project, Water is Life, which requires students to work collaboratively within the school and with 25 schools from over ten countries across the globe to study, research and share the need for water conservation. The project’s learning goals align to the Victorian Curriculum and the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, and has required a shift in thinking and pedagogy for teachers.

The Water is Life Project culminated in a whole campus Action Day with special guests including iEarn representatives, parents, carers and students from the local primary school. At this day all students involved in the project presented their local Water Conservation Projects. Student involvement resulted in local action with measurable outcomes, such as fundraising for a water tank to be installed at the campus to water gardens. The students work was compiled as a ‘book of action’ which was subsequently presented to the United Nations in New York. The school has had a positive impact by working with students from all over the world while maintaining a local focus.


Energy School of the Year – Primary

Winner: Werribee Primary School, Werribee

Werribee Primary School has implemented a number of strategies to improve its energy efficiency, including installing solar panels, monthly ‘Out with Lights’ days to challenge students and teachers to not use electricity or gas, with reward charts presented to each participating class. Werribee Primary have developed an Energy Frog Journal to inspire energy saving at home encouraging students to participate in energy saving initiatives. Most notably, Werribee Primary School has made an enormous effort to encourage and support active transport.

Active paths created specifically for the school have been installed, students participate in safe riding/scooter skills and regularly collect active transport data and report this to the whole school. Students are requested to ‘dress for the weather’ and monitor active travel data. This data is collected by students and reported back to school. Students’ monitor progress and understand the benefits of active travel on health, traffic and pollution in creating a more sustainable future.


Energy School of the Year – Secondary

Winner: Lauriston Girls School, Howqua

Lauriston Girls’ School have introduced the ‘Black Balloons House Competition’. Black balloons are representative of greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere and a chart displaying the number of black balloons generated by each house is listed in a visible location and updated weekly. The black balloon house competition demonstrates to students the direct impact their actions are having on the environment. A ‘Green House Award’ is awarded weekly, to the house that generates the least black balloons. The competitive nature of the program encourages students to consider the direct impact their actions have on the environment.

A result of this display has seen year nine students at Lauriston Girls’ School Howqua Campus monitoring their weekly energy consumption and challenging themselves to reduce their energy use. Overall since commencing the program, the result is significant reductions in energy use, with approximately 500 less black balloons released each week. The ‘Black Balloons House Competition’ is augmented by year nine science class which features a unit on climate change and sustainability. The school behavioural change indicator and liked the integration with science classes.


Student Action Team of the Year – Primary

Winner: Tatura primary school, Tatura

Tatura Primary School has commenced an Envirokids program, featuring elected student representatives from years’ three to six. These students meet regularly, discuss and implement ideas to reduce waste and energy use, then present these to the whole school on a weekly basis. Additionally the Envirokids representatives maintain their own notice board and provide input for the school newsletter. At the end of recess each day, Envirokids play a Recycle It song reminding students to dispose and repurpose waste. In 2016, the team implemented a three bin system in each classroom for composting, recycling and waste complemented by awarding the winners of the ‘Golden Bin’ award to the most waste wise class on a weekly basis. The school has implemented a ‘half flush’ option on toilets to reduce the school’s overall water wastage by placing a ‘We’re Keen on Green’ sticker on half-flush buttons. Tatura Primary school was awarded the Hume Region Waste School of 2017 by reducing landfill waste by 33 cubic metres in 12 months. The students’ passion and enthusiasm for this program reaches the entire school community.


Student Action Team of the Year – Secondary

Winner: Cheltenham Secondary College, Cheltenham

The Environment Team at Cheltenham Secondary College has been actively involved in promoting sustainability both within the school and in the school’s wider community though a variety of interactive and forward thinking activities. In school, the team has presented at staff meetings, hosted a rubbish-free pancake breakfast for staff and students who participated in Ride to School Day, conducted a student led, Environment camp in the Yarra Valley. The team has a colourful and informative noticeboard informing fellow students of in-house activities. Outside of school premises, the Environment Team have participated in “Clean up Australia” day, where the year seven class cleaned the school, streets and conducted a rubbish audit.

The direct results of this audit, encouraged a local shop to install a cigarette bin outside their premises. The Environment Team from Cheltenham Secondary College have met with business owners, Park Rangers, guest speakers and more building their skills and confidence. Impressively the team organised a letter writing bee to lobby politicians to oppose further investment in coal. The Environment Team has also lobbied the local café to reward customers who bring their own reusable coffee cups.


Teacher of the Year – Primary

Winner: Mount Waverly Primary School (Mt Waverley) – Loretta Leary

Loretta Leary led Mount Waverley Primary to become a 5 Star ResourceSmart school and provided regular workshops for school staff and other schools. She has mentored primary, secondary and pre-schools though their sustainability journeys and submitted case studies to organisations like Woolworths. Over 17 years she has held working bees and sustainability stalls at school fetes. She has applied for grants and entered competitions; winning a National Tree Planting Day title, Nude Food Day award, Royal Melbourne Show awards, Landcare grants and a Melbourne Water grant to present at the Kids Teaching Kids Conference. Loretta initiated and implemented energy, water, waste and biodiversity projects to reduce the school’s carbon footprint including regular Earth Hours energy audits and recycling programs. Loretta involves students in a variety of sustainability activities including lunchtime Environment Club and “Change the World in Five Minutes” recycling procedures designed to empower students to make a difference. With the new Victorian Curriculum, Loretta has been instrumental in keeping sustainability a core focus; she has worked with the school’s Scope and Sequence team to ensure that sustainability is visible throughout the school’s curriculum. Loretta’s ongoing commitment to all areas of sustainability, and her tenacity in writing to a variety of influencers demonstrates her leadership in driving sustainability.


Teacher of the Year – Secondary

Winner: St Joseph’s College, Newtown – Kelly Jenkins

Since 2013, when nominated as Sustainability Coordinator, Kelly Jenkins has engaged in sustainable practices with incredible enthusiasm and determination to empower students to develop and implement their own sustainable initiatives. Kelly is inclusive in her approach and continues to review and improve on established sustainability endeavours at the school. Kelly has an all of school focus, introducing to year seven classes recycling responsibilities and developing instructional videos to enhance students understanding of recycling procedures. She was selected to attend the National EREA Sustainability Conference and Catholic Principal’s Conference in Canberra to showcase initiatives undertaken at St Joseph’s and shared this knowledge with attendees and schools across Australia. Kelly has established an Energy Efficiency investigation for Year 10 students in Home Science, including the use of electromagnetic bikes to generate power, analysis of electricity usage in the classroom and energy audit of lights in the classroom and energy audits of devices. She developed her own acronym FICAS, F: Focus and Fun, I: Incentive, C: Comparable, A: Achievable, S: Supported. Her work has had a profound impact on the school’s attitude towards sustainability. Kelly has a holistic approach to sustainability and a commitment to running workshops and building partnerships.


Community Leadership School of the Year – Primary

Winner: St Louis de Montfort Primary School, Aspendale

St Louis de Montfort’s Primary sees community leadership as empowerment through education. The school collaborates with various organisations to host tours and deliver events like their Steps to Sustainability Conference, Big Green Schools Conference, Victorian Garden Workshops and presentations at the Kids Teaching Kids Conferences. The school uses contemporary teaching and learning practices such as their science, technology, and maths initiative, where students have the opportunity to work with experts from Swinburne University and St Kilda Eco Centre to enhance student skills and knowledge about local bird life and reptiles.

The school has a sustainability precinct comprising of vegetable gardens, aquaponics garden, permaculture area, propagating shed, composting system, worm farms, a reptile habitat incorporating turtle ponds, lizard housing and frog bogs. St Louis has proudly designed and built bird boxes encouraging native birds onto school site. A kitchen garden made from recycled shipping containers has been built on school grounds. The school uses the precinct to educate the wider community, where students have the opportunity to impart their knowledge and understanding about flora and fauna. The school has a positive impact on the local community and schools across Victoria.


Community Leadership School of the Year – Secondary

Winner: Catholic Regional College, St Albans

The Catholic Regional College school community food program works within a number of local communities to champion community collaboration, earth stewardship, sustainability and action on climate change. Students from the Catholic Regional College regularly advise other schools on how to increase their sustainability offering best practice advice. The Community Food Project has offered to collaborate with eight pilot schools establishing an initiative called ‘The Garden Collective’ to increase the weight of its sustainability practices.

The Community Food Project has established itself as a welcoming community hub in the West of Melbourne that demonstrates a diverse range of practices and effective ways to produce fresh food, integrate sustainability objectives in a secondary school context, connect with other community based organisations and initiatives, and deliver real experiences for young people that connects them to the world and each other. The Community Food Project connects to a variety of community spaces and the team won the largest produce prize at the Sustainable Living Expo two years in a row. Within the school community, staff, students and families promote composting, and are reviewing the school canteen and recycling policies.


2017 awards booklet

The ResourceSmart Schools Awards are Victoria’s biggest sustainability awards for schools and celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2017.

Want to know more?

Get in touch:

ResourceSmart Schools Awards, Sustainability Victoria
03 8626 8747