ResourceSmart Schools Awards terms and conditions of entry

Last updated: 16 October 2024
  1. The ResourceSmart Schools Awards program (Awards) is run and managed by Sustainability Victoria (SV).
  2. Entry to the Awards (Entries or Entry) is open to all Department of Education and Training registered primary and secondary schools located within Victoria.
  3. SV employees and their immediate families and SV contractors are not eligible to submit Entries.
  4. Schools cannot enter the same Awards category that they won in 2023 or 2024.
  5. Schools can enter as many categories as they are eligible to enter.
  6. These Terms and Conditions of Entry include the how to enter instructions and information on eligibility for each award category on our ResourceSmart Schools Awards page. By submitting an Entry, entrants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Entry.
  7. To enter the Awards, entrants need to log in to the Awards website and follow the how to enter instructions on our ResourceSmart Schools Awards page. Entries open at on Tuesday 15 October 2024 and close at 11:59 pm on Friday 28 February 2025. For an Entry to be valid, all Entry fields must be completed and Entries must otherwise comply with the requirements of these Terms and Conditions of Entry, including format, content, lodgement method and closing time. Incomplete, late or non-compliant Entries are invalid and will not be accepted.
  8. Entrants will authorise an individual over 18 years of age (user) to create a user account (User Account) on their behalf to submit their Entries. By creating a User Account, the entrant agrees to these Terms and Conditions of Entry and:
    1. to provide complete and accurate information;
    2. that they are responsible for all activities that occur under the User Account, unless these activities arise due to SV’s fault or negligence; and
    3. that, in logging on to SV’s information and communications technology (ICT) system, entrants will not publish offensive, distressing or infringing material and will otherwise comply with SV’s ICT acceptable use policy.
  9. Entries must contain the following:
    1. information about the school;
    2. answers to questions from the coordinating teacher, educator, staff or parent;
    3. short summaries which describe achievements and outcomes, actions, challenges, people involved, learnings and a final pitch;
    4. completed answers to further questions about the entrant’s project (where required);
    5. compliant and appropriate supporting material (as described by the category);
    6. a photograph of the project; and completed and signed SV release forms for use by SV of images and personal information.
  10. Entrants warrant that the information in the Entry and attachments is to the best of their knowledge true and correct and does not contain any defamatory or offensive content or infringe third party intellectual property rights and that they will notify SV of any changes to the information and any circumstances that may affect the Entry. Entrants warrant that they have obtained all consents and waivers to enable SV to exercise its rights pursuant to these Terms and Conditions of Entry. SV reserves the right to verify the validity of Entries and may disqualify an entrant or an Entry if it discovers or determines that an Entry does not comply with these Terms and Conditions of Entry, an entrant has provided dishonest or incorrect information in its Entry or that an Entry contains defamatory or offensive content or infringes third party intellectual property rights.
  11. Entries are the property of SV and may not be returned.
  12. For the avoidance of doubt, SV owns all intellectual property rights in the Entries, all supporting material and all reports and photographs provided by entrants and may use, modify, adapt, publish (including without limitation on its website, in social media or newletters), reproduce and distribute information and supporting material from Entries (except confidential information) where appropriate or as part of an ongoing commitment to recognising environmental achievement and encouraging school and community participation in education for sustainability activity. Entrants must clearly identify any confidential information in their Entries.
  13. For Container Deposit Scheme excellence category Awards Entries, users and entrants:
    1. consent to SV sharing their names with VicReturn Limited (VicReturn); and
    2. agree that they may be contacted by VicReturn in relation to those Awards Entries.
  14. SV reserves the right to change categories, omit the awarding of winners for a category, award joint winners and present additional awards. Eligibility of Entries and the awarding of awards are solely within SV's discretion. SV may exclude an entrant if awarding the award to that entrant would be inconsistent with SV’s general objectives. In the case of disputes, the judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. SV’s failure to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
  15. SV, its partners, sponsors, judges, staff and contactors shall not be held liable for any reason whatsoever resulting from their adjudication in good faith of Entries, finalists and Award winners for any of the Awards.
  16. If the Awards are interfered with in any way, are not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond SV’s reasonable control or where SV is required or directed to so by the Victorian Government, SV reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Awards, as appropriate. Where SV reasonably believes any changes will have a negative impact, SV will use reasonable endeavours to provide entrants with up to two weeks’ prior written notice.
  17. Finalists will be announced in April 2025. All finalists will be invited to participate in the Awards event in June 2025 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, where the winners will be announced. All finalists must have a representative present at the Awards event to receive an award if they win.
  18. SV may require the finalists and winners of the Awards to participate in marketing and promotional activities, including but not limited to media exposure and promotion of future Awards without any further payment or other compensation. If requested, finalists and winners will provide all reasonable assistance and cooperation to SV in the preparation of case studies and other material for promotion of the Awards or SV’s use generally. If requested, finalists and winners will provide reports and photographs to SV for promotion of the Awards or SV’s use generally.
  19. Winners and finalists may promote themselves as winners or finalists of the Awards (as relevant) by use of the relevant logo in accordance with SV’s directions.
  20. Entrants acknowledge that SV is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). If a Freedom of Information request is made, SV will consult with the entrant before any decision is made to release the Entry or supporting documentation.
  21. To the full extent permitted by the law, SV excludes liability for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever suffered or sustained whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise (including but not limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, loss of opportunity revenue or profit) arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the Awards.
  22. Entrants are required to declare all actual or potential conflicts of interest in their Entry and advise SV immediately if they become aware of any conflict of interest that arises subsequently.
  23. Entrants must advise SV of any penalties or notices they have received from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) or WorkSafe or any breaches of any environmental, occupational health and safety or other legislation or regulations (Safety Laws) in the last 10 years or any current investigations, notices, prosecutions or enforcement action against them arising out of a breach or possible breach of any Safety Laws. This obligation continues for a year after the Awards event. Entrants acknowledge that SV may undertake checks with EPA, WorkSafe or other regulators about their environmental, safety or other regulatory performance.
  24. Entrants must not do anything that may damage, bring into disrepute or ridicule the Awards or SV’s name, messages or reputation, or attract public or media attention which may be prejudicial or otherwise detrimental to the Awards or SV's name, messages or reputation. In particular, entrants must ensure compliance with all equal employment opportunity and Safety Laws.
  25. SV accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected Entries or for any technical difficulties or periods of unavailability of SV’s website.
  26. While all care has been taken in preparing the Entry procedure and associated information, SV does not warrant the accuracy of such information and accepts no liability for any deficiency in the information.
  27. Entrants agree that SV may contact them during and after the Awards to seek information or comments about the Awards. Entrants acknowledge that SV may refer Entries to external experts or other government departments for assessment, reporting or advice.
  28. Entrants acknowledge that SV collects, uses and discloses personal information as specified in the Entry information in order to process and assess Entries, carry out and promote the Awards, the ResourceSmart Schools program and other SV initiatives. All personal information is handled by SV in accordance with applicable privacy law, SV’s Privacy Statement and where completed and signed, SV’s release forms.
