Fire Rescue Victoria: 2022 Winner – Healthy and fair society

Last updated: 14 August 2023
press conference in fire hall with man speaking at a podium next to a red fire truck on the left and a group of reporters and videographers with lighting on the right Fire Rescue Victoria is the Industry Leader award winner in the Premier's Sustainability Awards 2022 – Healthy and fair society category.

Fire Rescue Victoria is leading the world in advocating to ban the use of harmful PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in the firefighting service while also developing solutions that protect firefighters, the community and our environment from these chemicals.

A world-first clinical trial initiated and led by Fire Rescue Victoria has found a solution to the decades-long problem of how to reduce PFAS levels in human blood.

The study found a 10 per cent decrease in PFAS levels after blood donation and a 30 per cent reduction following plasma donations.

Fire Rescue Victoria is now advocating across Australia and internationally to reduce PFAS contamination in our community and environment.

Healthy and fair society 2022 finalists