Detox Your Home

Last updated: 27 March 2025

The Detox Your Home program is an events program delivered across Victoria to safely dispose of unwanted hazardous household chemicals, keep them out of landfill and make recycling work through correct recycling.

Start date: 1994
End date: 30 June 2025
Location: Statewide
Eligibility: all Victorian households
Partners: Local councils
Key components: Detox Your Home local events, campaign assets for councils, Eventbrite booking platform
Participants: Victorian households
Funding: Sustainability Fund

SV’s role

We deliver the Detox Your Home program in partnership with local councils. We coordinate the events calendar, provides a booking platform, and provide promotional materials for council use. The local council delivers the event within their LGA on the day itself.

Photo Our work Detox your home 768px x 450px

How it works

The Detox Your Home pop up events are promoted by the hosting council in the relevant postcode areas, and also used as a reminder on how to dispose of chemicals safely.

Information is provided to householders before the event on accepted items in the hazardous household chemical category and these items are dropped off at the advertised location. The items are immediately sorted by qualified chemists and transported to a specialist waste treatment facility where they are either repurposed, recycled or stored in secure landfills.