Using recycled kerbside glass in life-saving road surface treatment
Product |
High friction surface treatment (HFST) incorporating recycled glass. |
Material classification |
Post-consumer recycled glass. |
Product specifications and standards |
Section 430 High Friction Surface Treatment. Technical Note TN 110 – Measurement and Interpretation of Skid Resistance using a SCRIM® Machine. Code of Practice RC 500.22, Selection and Design of Pavements and Surfacings. |
Project type |
Research, development and validation. |
Research result |
Development of a new high friction surface treatment product that incorporates high proportion of recycled crushed glass. Publication of an EPD for this product. |
Sector |
Transport infrastructure - road surfacing and safety. |
Grant recipient |
National Transport Research Organisation |
Project partners |
OmniGrip Direct Pty Ltd |
SV funding |
$170,950 |
The outcome
A blended surfacing material using recycled content has been developed. The product:
- fulfils a need for safer road surfaces
- changes low-quality post-consumer recycled glass into a value-added material.
It was found that more than half of the previously imported aggregate can be replaced with locally sourced post-consumer recycled glass.
This delivers a surface that performs:
- similarly to the established technology
- well above the Department of Transport and Planning’s minimum criteria for high friction surfaces.
The need
The project aimed to develop a high friction surface treatment (HFST), incorporating blends of corundum and recycled crushed glass. This replaced virgin material use.
These treatments are applied to the road in higher speed zones and crash-prone locations. They can help improve safety and reduce injuries and fatalities in road crashes.
The proposal was to create a HFST that utilised post-consumer recycled glass. This would
- make the surfacing more affordable and sustainable for Australian state, territory and local governments
- reduce the amount of glass going to landfill
- increase the use of lifesaving HFST on Australian roads.
In use on our roads, the product will have tangible benefits for Victorians including:
- communities, with the increased safety and sustainability of our built roads
- recycled materials suppliers, with demand for their materials
- manufacturers of road safety products
- asset owners including State Road and local government authorities.
'This project not only found a new application for post-consumer waste glass, but also demonstrated that recycled crushed glass can be utilised to increase the safety of our roads and community. This is a true example of moving towards building safe and sustainable transport infrastructure and transitioning into a circular economy.'

Developing the solution
Laboratory and field testing ensured the recycled glass blend met the department’s specifications.
The project found that the corundum-glass blends with up to 60% glass:
- showed acceptable surface friction and texture depth properties
- met VicRoads requirements.
A life cycle assessment revealed that all blends of the product had lower ‘cradle-to-gate’ life cycle impacts than the currently used aggregate. Impacts reduced across all environmental indicators as the glass percentage increases.
'The new surface is a valuable tool for quickly fixing the State’s urban and rural road Blackspots for drivers and motorcycle riders; reducing road trauma and crash risks whilst also diverting post-consumer recycled glass from landfill. It’s a win for road safety, local manufacturing and recycling.'
The partnership
In 2022, Sustainability Victoria funded the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), with OmniGrip Direct. The ARRB has since become the National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO).
The funded project investigated the use of local, recycled, crushed glass in road applications where high friction is required.
Pathway to commercialisation
OmniGrip Direct and NTRO engaged EcologiQ to identify opportunities in major road projects to apply the surface. This would allow performance assessment in real-world traffic to ensure the product is fit-for-purpose.
With further funding from Sustainability Victoria, OmniGrip Direct registered the product with an Environmental Product Declaration, demonstrating its environmental benefits.