Orientation and design are the keys to star rating success

Published: 5 September 2023
front of single-level home wood and black house with high ceiling and driveway and pathway leading to house A render of the front façade of the Ordinary Miracle range (copyright Positive Footprints).

Orientation is an easy win and is important when designing a 7-star home with Sustainability Victoria’s 7 star Upgrade Analysis showing a difference of up to a 1.2 Star NatHERS rating. Homes that are designed with orientation of the living rooms to the north, with appropriately sized windows and shading will perform well all year round.

The NatHERS star rating of a home reflects how well it is designed for orientation and northern aspects. Homes that have good orientation are also cheaper to run with a reduced energy load for heating and cooling leading to annual energy savings for the homeowners.

Achieving 7 stars and beyond doesn’t have to be difficult and that is proven by this well-designed home by Positive Footprints.


Builder: Positive Footprints

Location: Balwyn North, VIC 3104

Design: Based on Ordinary Miracle, part of the Carbon Zero Series

Description: Single storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

Size: Total area 235.78m2

House: 167.59m2

Deck: 51.6m2

Carport: 17.03m2

NatHERS energy rating: 8.6 stars*

Whole-of-home: all electric appliances, Solar PV, battery storage

Other features:

3 phase power, EV ready, energy efficient lighting, 7,000Lt rainwater storage, low embodied carbon concrete, recycled bricks from previous home. carbon offset concrete and plasterboard, low VOC paints and glues, EO cabinetry and trims throughout.

Annual emissions: -13.03 tonnes of CO2-e

Annual energy cost: -$473/annum

*This home has been rated using FirstRate5 5.3.2b under NCC 2019.

Energy and cost savings

Using Sustainability Victoria’s Whole of Home pilot tool, the estimated annual energy use, emissions and energy bill amounts were calculated for this 8.6 star home showing that it is reaching beyond net zero emissions and will actually save the homeowners -$473/year on their energy costs through their choice of energy efficient, electric appliances. Additionally, this house has a 13kW battery to store the extra energy as well as charge the owner’s electric vehicle.

Home design

There are some key design features that have provided this home with its high energy rating, including orientation, insulation, thermal mass, windows and shading. In combination, these qualities create a highly energy-efficient home which will maintain comfortable internal temperatures for its owners. Some of the key decisions involved in this home achieving its beyond 7-star NatHERS rating are outlined below:

The polished concrete floor in the north-facing living areas of the Positive Footprints home (copyright Positive Footprints).

As-built verification

Sustainability Victoria engaged an independent as-built verification assessor to ensure that the home was built to meet the intended energy efficiency targets. The verification check included a blower door test and a thermography test.


This home by Positive Footprints focuses on good orientation and smart design, which in combination with insulation and thermal mass of the property deliver a high star rating. High performing glazing with appropriate shading rounds out the design and ensures that the owners of this home will have a comfortable and well-performing home for many years to come.

More information

Check out Positive Footprint’s Carbon Zero Series which has clever design options to suit the full range of orientations.