Tyres circular economy opportunities

Last updated: 25 March 2025

In Victoria sending whole tyres to landfill is banned, requiring alternative management of this considerable resource.

Export of all whole tyres, including baled tyres is regulated. Bus, truck, and aviation tyres sent for re-treading to an approved facility are excluded from regulation.

The local availability of tyre and rubber feedstock and proven reprocessing systems, makes tyre recovery a considerable investment opportunity.

We are working to grow the market for tyre-derived products and to reduce used tyre stockpiles through research and development, and infrastructure investment.

Example case studies:

At a national level we collaborate with industry and other state governments to support the National Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme which is led by Tyre Stewardship Australia. In a boost to the scheme end-of-life tyres were added to the Federal Governments’ Product Stewardship Priority List in 2022. This sends a clear message that recovery needs to be increased creating opportunities across the trye recycling chain.

For more information:


  • The amount of end-of life tyres is forecast to double from approximately 31,000 tonnes in 2023 to over 61,000 tonnes by 2040, with passenger car tyres making up more than 35% of the waste tyres generated in 2040.
  • Waste tyres can be used to produce crumb rubber for a broad range of applications, including;
    • roads, rail and other civil construction applications
    • artificial sports pitches, landscaping and various public lifestyle activities.
    • moulded rubber or rubber-plastic composite products.
  • An increase in fibre separation infrastructure is required in metropolitan Melbourne to assist the domestic reuse of passenger tyres or as a contingency for international market constriction.
  • Tyre-derived fuel (TDF) can be produced to replace fossil fuels in industries including cement kilns, power plants, smelters and paper mills.
  • Advanced recycling techniques can be used to create tyre-derived oils, lubricants and waxes along with high value recovered Carbon Black.

For more information on tyre recycling infrastructure opportunities, refer to the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan.

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Graphs and data

For more information on waste data visit Recycling Victoria’s Data Hub.

Case study

For more information watch the Tyrecycle video on Recycling investment case studies.

For help with your circular economy project


Circular Economy and Investment Facilitation Service invest@sustainability.vic.gov.au

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