Paper and cardboard circular economy opportunities
Most recovered paper and cardboard in Victoria comes from the commercial and industrial (C&I) sector. Paper and cardboard collected directly from businesses is separated at the source into a single, clean stream making it easier to process and making it a more valuable material.
Municipal sector paper and cardboard (from households and council operations) currently has a lower recovery rate due to being collected in a mixed recycling bin. This leads to greater contamination rates. However, the introduction of Victoria’s new 4-bin waste and recycling system will reduce contamination in the mixed recycling bin enabling greater recovery of cleaner paper and cardboard.
Read about Victoria’s new 4-bin waste and recycling system.
Waste export regulations for waste paper and and cardboard came into effect in July 2024.
- Additional paper sorting and pulping infrastructure is required in Victoria.
- There is an opportunity to improve mechanical sorting of mixed paper and cardboard at materials recovery facilities (MRFs) to recover different paper grades, enhancing access to paper reprocessing markets.
- Additional capacity and capability is required for secondary infrastructure to manufacture fibre products such as recycled paper food packaging like food trays, paper towels and tissues.
- Contamination rates have been reduced due to the introduction of Victoria’s new 4-bin waste and recycling system.
For more information on paper and cardboard recycling infrastructure opportunities, refer to the Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Plan.
Stay up to date
For the latest market developments, commodity prices, and opportunities read Recycling Victoria’s market insight report for paper and cardboard.
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Graphs and data
For more information on waste data visit Recycling Victoria’s Data Hub.