Organics circular economy opportunities

Last updated: 25 March 2025

In Victoria, organic waste is the second largest waste stream by weight. It contributes to at least 50% of household waste and 25 to 30% of industrial waste. It makes up over 25% of all waste landfilled in Victoria. There is significant opportunity to address this and improve the way we use recycled organic products.

Organic matter, including organic wastes, can be converted into a range of soil and plant growth enhancement products for use in:

  • agriculture
  • horticulture
  • roadside
  • urban amenity.

It can also be used in Bioenergy.

Read more about bioenergy circular economy opportunities.

The increase in supply

Organics have been identified as a priority waste stream under Recycling Victoria policy, with targets for landfill diversion and resource recovery as follows:

  • A 50% reduction in landfilled organics by 2030 (20% by 2025)
  • All Victorian households to have access to Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin by 2027.
  • All metropolitan councils have introduced a food and garden organics service and a staged roll out is underway for regional Victoria.

This policy-driven boost to supply coupled with new markets for recycled organics is creating attractive infrastructure investment and market development opportunities for investors.

The water sector has expertise in managing organic waste and treatment technologies and is well placed to support the transition to a circular economy.

Read the Recycling Victoria policy.

Read about Victoria’s new 4-bin waste and recycling system.


  • Victoria’s agricultural sector accounts for a third of Australia’s food production and the market for recycled organic products in Victoria is significant.
  • Market development is required to support the increased supply of recycled organic products entering the market.
  • Investment in decontamination equipment is required to increase quality of recycled organic products.
  • Victoria has committed to building strong markets for products made from recovered organic waste (such as compost), through the Markets Acceleration Program.
  • Significant support and funding is being provided to industry to strengthen and develop markets for recycled organics products.
  • With increased organics collection due to the FOGO roll out, there are opportunities in composting, including open windrow composting capacity in regional Victoria and in-vessel composting capacity in metropolitan Melbourne.

For more information on organics recycling infrastructure opportunities, refer to the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan.

Stay up to date

For the latest investment opportunities and material commodity prices read Recycling Victoria’s market insight reports.

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Graphs or data

For more information on waste data visit Recycling Victoria’s Data Hub.

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