Mixed waste circular economy opportunities
Mixed waste includes a combination of material streams with different properties, rather than a single material stream.
The main sources of mixed waste are:
- municipal (traditionally the red bin) – from households and council operations
- commercial and industrial (C&I) sector
- construction and demolition (C&D) sector.
The Victorian Government has a long-term plan for better managing our waste. This plan includes supporting a viable resource recovery industry and reducing the amount of waste going to landfill.
The increase in supply
The 10-year Recycling Victoria policy has set targets to divert 80% of waste from landfill by 2030, with an interim target of 72% by 2025. To support these targets and incentivise greater investment in resource recovery, Victoria’s landfill levy increased, almost doubling from 2020 to 2023 and is expected to increase by a further 28% in 2025.
For more information read:
- the Recycling Victoria policy
- about the landfill levy increase.
New technologies are emerging which can further separate and recover materials from mixed waste. For materials that cannot be recovered, the recovery of energy through biological and thermal technologies presents opportunities.
Read more about waste to energy.
- Victoria’s landfill levy increases will encourage greater investment in resource recovery.
- Opportunities exist to implement emerging technologies that can further recover materials from mixed waste.
- Significant opportunities exist in thermal waste to energy for materials that can’t be recovered by traditional means.
For more information on mixed waste infrastructure opportunities, refer to the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan.
Stay up to date
For the latest investment opportunities and material commodity prices read Recycling Victoria’s market insight reports.
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