Glass circular economy opportunities

Last updated: 25 March 2025

Over 60% of glass waste generated in Victoria comes from household consumption and is collected via kerbside mixed recycling bins.

Glass is a valuable resource and does not degrade through the recycling process, meaning it can be recycled an infinite number of times, creating an endless, sustainable loop of glass products.

Recycling facilities in Victoria (known as beneficiation plants) sort and clean the mixed glass product, which helps increase the percentage of recycled content in glass packaging. The remaining crushed glass is processed into glass fines, which are used in lower grade construction material and asphalt for road construction.

Waste glass must be processed to a relevant specification if it is to be exported.

The increase in supply

Victoria has introduced 2 new systems that will increase the amount of quality glass collected for recycling:

  • New 4-bin waste and recycling system with a purple lid bin specifically for glass.
  • Container deposit scheme (CDS) where consumers get a rebate for returning glass to designated drop off points for recycling.

More information:

It is anticipated that Australia will reach more than 50% glass recycled content target by 2025.

Glass manufacturing capability is mature in Victoria and able to take increased amounts of clean and colour separated glass cullet. Two of the major glass packaging manufacturers in Australia, are headquartered in Victoria.


  • An increase in clean stream of glass from the new container deposit scheme and kerbside 4-bin system will lead to a growth in glass beneficiation capacity requirements.
  • Increase in demand for road base and construction materials will lead to increased demand in crushing and blending capacity for the construction industry, particularly in regional areas.

For further information on glass recycling infrastructure opportunities, refer to the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan.

Stay up to date

For the latest market developments, commodity prices, and opportunities, read Recycling Victoria’s market insights report for recovered glass packaging.

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Graphs and data

For more information on waste data visit Recycling Victoria’s Data Hub.

For help with your circular economy project


Circular Economy and Investment Facilitation Service

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