Waste to Energy Fund: Bioenergy – Stream 1: Information bulletin

Last updated: 1 August 2023

Answers to questions we receive at our information sessions and via phone and email are published on this page. We only publish answers to questions that are not already covered in the Guidelines.

We will update this page as we receive questions.

Information session

On Tuesday 12 June, Sustainability Victoria held an information session on Stream 1: Project development of the Waste to Energy Fund: Bioenergy. The session provided an overview of the Fund, project eligibility, the application process and an outline of steps to take before making a submission.


Questions and answers

Thank you for your questions at the information session. Due to the high volume of questions received, some have been re-worded to benefit as many potential applicants as possible.

This page will be regularly updated, based on questions we receive.

In this section:

Project eligibility

Are state government agencies like public hospitals eligible to apply?

Yes, state government agencies are eligible to apply for this fund. Please indicate in the application if the government entity is a Lead Applicant or project partner.

Is plantation forestry residue permitted (native but not indigenous species)?

Yes, plantation forestry residue is eligible to apply if it is a biomass from native forestry or a wood waste as defined under Regulation 8 of Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001. Please complete a self-assessment of the waste to energy framework to test your projects specific conditions.

Are partnerships between government and business eligible?

Yes, partnerships between government and business are eligible to apply. Please list the Lead Applicant who applies for the funding. This party is responsible for the contractual obligations under the funding agreement with Sustainability Victoria (SV) if successful for grant funding. List all the project partners who have a financial stake in the project.

Are projects for biomass boilers eligible to apply?

Yes, projects for biomass boilers are eligible to apply under specific conditions.

Please check if your feedstock is listed under the scope of our funding. If you are using wood waste, wood waste must be as defined by Regulation 8 of Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001.

Complete a self-assessment of your project with the waste to energy framework to understand how your project complies.

Is investigating the uses of waste generated by Energy from Waste (EfW) such as, biochar, ash, or anaerobic digestate in scope?

Yes, research to develop safe end uses of residual products (digestate and biochar only) is eligible for funding. Ash is not eligible.

Is grease trap waste considered food manufacturing and processing waste?

Yes, grease trap waste (mix of water, oil, grease and organic sludge) is considered food manufacturing and processing waste. Please note that grease trap waste is classified as a reportable priority waste by the EPA. We recommend you understand your environmental obligations, seek clarification from the EPA and perform due diligence on your compliance requirements.

Is abattoir waste like paunch or offal (residuals from slaughterhouses) an eligible feedstock?

Yes, this is considered livestock waste and is an eligible feedstock.

Is Local Government eligible for the cash co-contribution exception of $2:$1 (SV:Applicant) available to Not-for profit organisations, Charities, Community Groups, Co-operatives and Research institutes?

No, Local Government is not eligible for exceptions in cash co-contribution requirements.

Is kerbside FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) an eligible feedstock for a potential Anaerobic Digestion processing application? Either as an exclusive single stream kerbside FOGO feedstock or as part of a combined feedstock (such as, kerbside FOGO combined with commercial and industrial food or agri-organics)?

Yes, kerbside FOGO can be a potential feedstock for an Anaerobic Digestion processing application.

Food and garden waste is eligible for funding only if it is processed through thermal pyrolysis (to sequester carbon) or through a biological process. You must demonstrate in your application the steps taken to determine waste to energy as the best value option in the waste management hierarchy including a self-assessment of the framework. Wood waste must meet the exempt wood waste definition in the waste to energy framework.

My project does not divert waste from landfill. Can I still apply?

Yes, applicants whose projects do not divert organic waste from landfill can still apply for funding.

Subject to satisfying eligibility requirements, all projects will be assessed on merit to the objectives of the Fund, including those which do not divert waste from landfill. In the application, projects need to show that the recovered organic material had no higher order alternative prior to waste to energy being considered.

Can a feasibility study on hydrogen technology from waste be included in Stream 1?

Yes, this project is eligible if the hydrogen is produced from thermal pyrolysis of organics to sequester carbon, or organics processed through anaerobic digestion process.

Is anaerobic digestion of organics to produce methane eligible?

Yes, anaerobic digestion of organics to produce methane is eligible depending on the intended application of methane. Outputs which are going to be used as an energy source – heat, electricity, fuels, and gas are eligible for funding.

Which stream does a project installing a small bladder to test viability in urban areas in partnership with council fall into?

Project stream eligibility for this project will depend on the intended activities during the project period. You can apply for Stream 1 funding if you want to perform feasibility studies of your project idea. You can apply for Stream 2 funding if the project has reached financial close and is ready for bioenergy infrastructure purchase and commissioning.

Is a project focused on removing hazardous waste from an industrial landfill to compost for land application eligible?

No, hazardous waste materials are outside the scope of this fund. Only organic waste streams are eligible for funding.

Is taking a lab feasibility study to proof of concept eligible for funding?

Yes, trial and demonstration projects are eligible to apply for both Stream 1 and Stream 2.

Would Stream 1 cover a feasibility study on bioenergy opportunities for a fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale business?

Yes, general food waste from commercial and industrial sectors, including hospitality, wholesale and retail operations are eligible for funding for either stream of funding if certain conditions are met.

Eligible expenditure

For cash contributions, is this defined as payments to third parties, or does it include labour costs paid to company staff?

Cash contributions are contributions of a good or a service in cash (not in-kind).

Cash contributions can include the cost for activities that are directly related to delivering your project (for example, applicant cash co-contribution for expenditure items which you include in the project budget section of the application form).

Payments made to third parties, contractors, and external consultancies required for the project will be eligible for funding and applicants must provide required cash co-contribution for the same.

Internal staff funding costs are not eligible for funding and cannot be counted under cash co-contribution.

If projects can be completed ahead of the award, is there provision for back dating payments?

No, retrospective spending is not eligible for funding (for example, expenditure that has been incurred before signing the agreement with SV is ineligible for funding). Projects that receive funding that progress faster than their milestone schedule can request contract variations to cover payments if required.

We are working through projects at the moment. Can funding be sought for the closure or finalisation of these projects versus from initial concept?

No, project activities that are completed or have commenced prior to signing a funding agreement with SV are ineligible for funding.

Are 'in-kind' contributions counted towards the payment?

No, in-kind contributions are not eligible and are not counted towards co-contribution payment requirements.


Can the funding apply to an existing pyrolysis project that currently does not have a renewable electricity generation element?

Yes, upgrades or additions to existing bioenergy infrastructure or equipment are eligible to apply so long as they produce additional bioenergy. Funding for retrospective projects is not eligible.

Can SV ask for project fund requests to be reduced if a project is suitable but perhaps deemed too costly?

The evaluation panel might ask for follow up information or other details during their review process. Value for money is a key criterion of the fund. Please note that each stream has a cap of funding that a project can ask for.

What is the maximum number of projects SV is likely to fund under Stream 1?

There is no maximum number of projects or funding allocated per stream. Each application will be evaluated and ranked on its own merit not the stream it is part of

Will there be future funding regarding waste to energy that is under the cap?

Not at this stage.

Will there be future funding rounds to implement what is designed in a feasibility study from Round 1?

No, not at this stage.


Our submission is a joint venture. I know the name of the applicant is singular and that we must name all parties who have an interest in the project, but do we have to name all contractors?

Yes. You must select a Lead Applicant for your submission. You will also be required to list any project partners who have a financial stake in the project. You can list other project participants (major subcontractors, contractors, product suppliers, consultants, and so on) in the stakeholder details section.

Is an applicant able to submit multiple applications as 'Lead Applicant' across Stream 1 and Stream 2?

Yes, as an applicant, you can submit multiple applications for different projects across both streams. A project can only apply for one stream of funding.

We're planning to do a feasibility study to develop a high-level study of multiple waste streams, outputs and stakeholders in our area, including business model for biodigester projects. Is this okay or does it need to produce a full design for a specific location or waste stream?

An application can cover a project that is carried out in multiple sites which can also include multiple waste streams. The important thing to focus on is how your approach would be viable to achieve the outcomes of this fund and how it will be evaluated against the selection criteria.

Who should be listed as a cash contributor? Should it be the university where researchers are working or industry partners whose waste is going to be used?

The co-contribution requirements apply to the Lead Applicant only. Applicants (including project partners) are required to make a co-contribution to the total project cost.

The Lead Applicant is responsible for all terms under the funding agreement. The Lead Applicant is also responsible for managing the project outcomes and deliverables of the project.

Does the Lead Applicant have to contribute financially?

Yes, the Lead Applicant must contribute financially. The co-contribution requirements apply to the Lead Applicant only. They are responsible for all terms under the funding agreement. This demonstrates Lead Applicants financial capability to undertake the project.

Lead Applicants can work with project partners to provide co-contributions to the total project cost.

Are late applications accepted?

Generally, no. Email the Grants Enquiry team before the application deadline for your requests to be considered. There is also a late application process outlined in the Terms of Participation in Grant Programs.

Who should I contact to make changes to my application after submission?

Once you submit your application, you cannot make any changes except under exceptional circumstances. Email the Grants Enquiry team before applications close for your request to be considered.

Assistance available

When can I approach the Infrastructure Facilitation team for support?

Your first contact with SV should be through the Grants Enquiry team.

The best time to approach the Infrastructure Facilitation team is when you have started or completed your application. The better prepared you are when you contact this team, the more they can help you.

Is it possible to book one-on-one meetings (in Zoom) rather than email for a project application discussion?

Yes, please email the Grants Enquiry team to clarify the process.

Is there a list of consultants available for north-east Victoria to assist with bioenergy feasibility studies?

For equal consideration we do not have a list of recommend consultants. Please reach out to Bioenergy Australia or Waste Management and Resource Recovery Australia for guidance in this space.


After applications close, when will decisions be made as to the grant outcomes?

Energy issues are real and immediate, therefore, we intend to streamline the decision-making process as much as possible.

Early 2023 is the expected notification date of outcomes. We will provide applicants with updates as often as possible and when necessary.


Could you explain more about the 'cap licenses' that are out of scope?

The Waste to Energy framework encourages investment that supports diversion of residual waste from landfill. Refer to the Waste to Energy framework to understand the cap licensing process. Please conduct a self-assessment of your project against this framework to understand the conditions you are required to meet.

Contact us

We cannot review drafts or provide feedback.

In the subject line, use the grant name Waste to Energy Fund: Bioenergy – Stream 1: Project development.