Recycling Modernisation Fund Plastics Technology Stream

Last updated: 13 January 2025
Status: Applications closed
Closing date: Monday 4 September 2023, 11:59 pm
Total funding available: Eligible applicants may apply for a minimum grant of $1 million and a maximum grant of $20 million.

Applications for funding must include at least a 50% contribution ($1 Industry: $1 Australian Government).

Available to: Businesses, Social enterprises, Not-for-profit organisations, Local government

1. Fund overview

Through the Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) Plastics Technology stream, the Australian Government will invest $60 million nationally over 4 years to address critical gaps in Australia’s recycling infrastructure.

The stream will support advanced and innovative technologies targeting hard-to-recycle plastics which are plastics in waste streams where there are:

  • very low recovery and recycling rates due to difficulties in recycling
  • limited infrastructure and technology solutions to support circularity in the supply chain.

For all information about funding and to download the guidelines, visit the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s (DCCEEW) RMF Plastics Technology stream web page.

Sustainability Victoria (SV) will deliver the RMF Plastics Technology stream on behalf of the Victorian and Australian governments. SV is responsible for running a merit-based process to assess and recommend suitable projects located in Victoria for funding to the Australian Government, thereby supporting industry to access the Australian Government funding.

Please note this is a 2-stage process as follows:

Stage 1: Victorian government assessment led by SV

  • Applications must be submitted to SV by 11:59 pm, Monday 4 September 2023. Late applications will not be accepted except under exceptional circumstances.
  • Applications will be assessed by an Interdepartmental Assessment Panel (IAP), coordinated by SV. The IAP will recommend projects to proceed internal government approvals and to the Victorian Minister for Environment.
  • Victoria will recommend applications for assessment by the Australian Government by 13 November 2023.

Stage 2: Australian Government assessment led by DCCEEW outlined in the guidelines

After successful Victorian projects are announced by the Australian Government, SV will manage contracts and administer all aspects of the funding with industry partners. The Victorian Government is not providing capital funding to projects.

2. Timeline

Please note, Australian Government assessment and announcement dates are indicative only and are subject to change.

There is no date for the announcement of application outcomes by the Australian Government. We will provide applicants with updates when available.

The timeline includes the Victorian assessment dates.

Guidelines published and funding opens: Tuesday 18 July 2023.

Information session: view the Australian Government recorded information session.

SV applications close: 11.59 pm, Monday 4 September 2023.

Victorian government submits applications to the Australian Government: by 13 November 2023.

Notification of outcome from the Victorian assessment process: November 2023.

Australian Government assessment: December 2023 to February 2024.

Notification of outcome from the Australian Government: February 2024.

Funding agreements established: Early 2024.

Project completed by: 30 June 2027 at the latest.

3. How to apply

Before applying, we recommend you view the Australian Government recorded information session.

  1. Ensure that your organisation is eligible.
  2. Ensure that your project is qualified.
  3. Read SV’s funding agreement. You must meet the terms and conditions to ensure funding. Read the General grant funding agreement.
  4. Read SV’s Terms of participation in grant programs.
  5. Create an account and start your application on the SmartyGrants website.
  6. Submit your application by 11:59 pm, Monday 4 September 2023. Late applications will not be accepted except under exceptional circumstances.

Your application

  • Allow adequate time to plan, research, gather supporting documentation and draft your application.
  • This is a competitive process and you can contact the:
  • You must use SmartyGrants, unless you have written permission from SV.

You are required to submit the following documents:

  • A complete and signed application form.
  • Letter/s of support from all Consortium member(s).
  • Project budget.
  • Project plan.
  • Cost-benefit and financial analysis.
  • Any additional supporting information or attachments.
  • Any additional information required by the application form.

Applications must include (but are not limited to) the following information:

  • Project details including any associated activities.
  • Expected outcomes and benefits of the project and how it supports the objectives of the RMF Plastics Technology stream and national priorities.
  • Timetable and tangible milestones.
  • A clear, comprehensive budget and financial management strategy including your co-contribution.
  • Evidence demonstrating the economic viability of the project over its operational life.
  • Avoidance, mitigation and management measures to minimise adverse environmental impacts from the project including but not limited to climate change and pollution.
  • Details of any planning or regulatory requirements for the project.
  • Consultation plan with relevant stakeholders including Traditional Custodians and communities.

Applications from Consortia

Some Applicants may want to join as a Consortium to deliver a project. In these circumstances, you must appoint a Lead Applicant.

The application should identify all members of the Consortium and include a letter of support from each of the members. Each letter of support must include:

  • details of the Consortium member
  • an overview of how the Consortium member will work with the Lead Applicant and any other Consortium members in the group to successfully complete the project
  • an outline of the relevant experience and/or expertise the Consortium member will bring to the group
  • the roles/responsibilities the Consortium member will undertake, and the non-financial resources it will contribute (if any)
  • the Consortium member’s financial contribution towards the project (if any), and the arrangements that will be in place to ensure the commitment is delivered
  • details of a nominated management level contact officer.

4. Assistance available

4.1 Information session

View the Australian Government recorded information session.

Read the information bulletin

Answers to questions we receive via phone and email about the Victorian assessment process are published on our Information bulletin.

Questions about the Australian Government guidelines will be published on their web page.

4.2 Contact us

Any eligibility question/s related to this program please contact SV on:

Phone: +61 3 8656 6757 Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.


In the subject line, use the grant name: RMF Plastics Technology stream funding.

The Grants Team cannot review drafts or provide feedback, please see section 4.3 if you require assistance with your application.

4.3 Application Review and Advisory Service

SV offers an Application Review and Advisory Service to projects that increase Victoria’s resource recovery sector. We recommend Applicants engage with SV’s support services before submitting their application to ensure their project is investment ready and set up for success.

The Application Review and Advisory Service is separate and removed from the panel evaluation scoring process. Using this service does not guarantee any level of success with any application.

Read about our free Application Review and Advisory Service.

Contact us

Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

In the email subject line, use the grant name: RMF Plastics Technology stream funding.