Materials recycling infrastructure funding
This funding supported industry and local government to increase the capacity and capability of Victoria’s resource recovery sector and the quality of materials recovered.
It included 2 grants:
- Recycling Victoria – Recycling Modernisation Fund, jointly funded by the Australian Government, addressing paper and cardboard, plastics, glass and tyres subject to the national waste export bans.
- Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund – Materials stream (round 2), addressing paper and cardboard, plastics, glass, tyres, organics and textiles.
Recycling Victoria – Recycling Modernisation Fund
This grant provided funding for infrastructure projects that address the specific national waste export bans for:
- mixed plastics that are not of a single resin/polymer type and/or further sorting, cleaning and processing is required before use in re-manufacturing
- single resin/polymer plastics that have not been re-processed (e.g. cleaned and baled PET bottles)
- mixed and unsorted paper and cardboard
- unprocessed glass, in a whole or broken state (both formed packaging and flat sheet glass)
- all whole used tyres, including baled tyres, but not including bus, truck and aviation tyres exported for re-treading to a verified re-treading facility.
Successful applicants were required to co-contribute $1: $1: $1 ($1 from the applicant, $1 from Sustainability Victoria and $1 from the Commonwealth).
Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund – Materials stream
This grant provided funding for infrastructure projects that improve the recovery of:
- paper and cardboard
- plastics
- glass
- organics
- textiles
- tyres.
Successful applicants were required to co-contribute at least:
- $3 for every $1 funded for industry applications
- $2 for every $1 funded for local government applications.
Funded projects
Read more about projects funded by the:
- Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund – Materials.
- Recycling Victoria – Recycling Modernisation Fund.
This is funded by the Australian Government and Victorian Government. If eligible for the Recycling Victoria – Recycling Modernisation Fund, information contained in your application may be shared with the Australian Government in line with the National Partnership on Recycling Infrastructure.
Find out more about how the Australian Government is investing in waste and recycling infrastructure through the Recycling Modernisation Fund.