Circular Economy Markets Fund: Materials – Stream 2: Information bulletin

Last updated: 14 February 2025
Prior to 1 July 2022, this fund was named the Recycling Victoria Markets Acceleration Fund (RVMAF).

Some questions have been re-worded and grouped to benefit as many potential Applicants as possible.

This page will be regularly updated, based on questions we receive.

Information session

An information session for the Recycling Victoria Markets Acceleration Fund – Stream 2 was held online on Tuesday 10 May 2022. For more information, download the PowerPoint presentation.


My product is in market already, does that mean it will be considered fully commercialised and therefore ineligible?

Not necessarily, no. If your product has been launched in-market but is facing barriers to uptake, then your project will still be considered eligible. Whether a product is considered fully commercialised is determined by a number of factors, including the level of market saturation and scale of production and will form part of the panel assessment for each project.

The purpose of the Fund is to assist applicants in addressing the market barriers they are facing in getting their product to market, entering new markets, or expanding their market reach. Applicants need to demonstrate the barriers to commercialisation of their product, the need for funding support, and the impact and outcomes this support will generate.

Can you confirm the eligible materials?

The Recycling Victoria Markets Acceleration Fund (RVMAF) will prioritise projects that address the materials subject to the national waste export bans: paper and cardboard, plastics, tyres and glass.

Projects proposing solutions to other recycled materials streams are also eligible. These may include, but are not limited to;

  • e-waste materials including lithium-ion batteries, PV panels, e-plastic, etc.
  • textiles including blended, synthetic, natural fibres
  • other materials derived from construction and demolition and commercial and industrial waste, such as fly ash or incinerator bottom ash.

Your product/process can include multiple materials, provided one or more eligible materials are included in the product. If your product contains multiple materials, the assessment panel will look at the percentage of eligible materials used.

All applications need to demonstrate alignment with fund objectives and how the project will support the expansion of end markets for recycled materials.

Materials that are not eligible include:

  • organics or biodegradable waste, including soils
  • biomedical waste or other hazardous wastes
  • residual waste derived from waste to energy processes.

See Section 2.3 of the guidelines for the list of eligible materials.

Are these grants available to not-for-profit organisations?

Not-for-profit organisations can apply as a Lead Applicant. Not-for-profit organisations can also apply as an Industry Partner (optional). Please refer to the applicant eligibility criteria for more information.

Are sole traders eligible for funding?

Sole traders are not eligible for funding under RVMAF; however, sole traders can be Project Partners.

Is there a minimum operating history requirement?

There is no minimum operating history requirement to be eligible for funding.

Applicants with less than 2 years’ operating history (e.g. start-ups) are encouraged to secure established Project Partners or identify appropriate external expertise where appropriate. They may be subject to additional information requests to undertake a risk assessment, and/or additional funding conditions.

Sustainability Victoria (SV) may conduct due diligence checks on Project Partners and/or participants involved in the delivery of the project. The Applicant must ensure that any Project Partner(s) agree to cooperate with this requirement and will provide information at SV’s request.

SV reserves the right not to award funding to applicants where the due diligence risk (including that of Industry Partner(s) is unsatisfactory or not able to be managed.

Project costs

Are travel costs eligible?

No. While we recognise there may be travel involved in commercialising your product/process, travel costs are not eligible for funding under RVMAF.

Are capital costs eligible?

No, the lease or purchase of infrastructure or equipment are not eligible costs.

The costs of equipment required to demonstrate or validate your product or manufacturing process (e.g. the manufacture of samples for testing) may be eligible under Stream 1. Please refer to the Stream 1 guidelines for more information.


How much do applicants need to contribute to the project costs?

Applicants must contribute at least $1 for every $1 funded.

Co-contributions can be either financial (cash) or in-kind. Up to 100% of the co-contribution can be in-kind, depending on the nature of the proposed project activities. Refer to the guidelines for a definition of in-kind costs.

We have allowed up to 100% of the co-contribution to be in-kind due to the nature of the activities in scope for this fund. The ratio of cash to in-kind contribution should align with your proposed project activities.

You should note in your application how you will measure and monitor in-kind costs.

Can I receive funding from other organisations to deliver my project?

If you will receive funding from another organisation/association that is not a direct project partner or investor (e.g. a grant from a stewardship organisation) you need to include this in your application form. SV will not provide funding towards project costs that are covered by other grant or funding sources, and grants or funding from other organisations cannot be included in your co-contribution. You need to meet the SV grant amount from your own resources.

Can funding be granted contingent to investment?

Your financial capacity to deliver the project will form part of the panel assessment. Depending on the amount of funding requested, SV may undertake an independent financial viability assessment on your business to assist with the panel’s assessment of financial capacity.

SV suggests providing evidence (e.g. a letter from your bank or committed investment partners) of any financial co-contribution included in application budgets to ensure project timelines can be adhered to. Projects must be completed within 18 months of signing the funding agreement with SV, by April 2024 at the latest.

What if I can’t meet the $1:$1 co-contribution requirement?

If you cannot match the minimum grant of $30,000 in cash or in-kind contribution or meet the $1:$1 co-contribution requirement, then unfortunately you are not eligible for this Fund. The Victorian Government provides a range of other grants and support for businesses both small and large. For more information, we recommend you visit the Victorian Government Grants Directory.


Are universities and other organisations allowed to be involved as partners?

Universities can be involved as Project Partners for this Fund if appropriate, but this is not an expectation or a requirement.

Does SV have a list of commercialisation consultants available?

No, SV does not have a list of commercialisation consultants available. We encourage you to have discussions with a range of market services to suit your needs.


Is there a minimum volume of recycled material that assessors will be looking for to justify funding a grant? For example, use at least 100,000kg of tyres or 50,000kg of glass.

While there is no requirement or expectation around the volume of recycled materials used in the project, applicants are asked to provide estimates on the total volume of recycled materials that would be used if the product and/or process was fully commercialised. This information is used to help assessors evaluate the scope and scale of the recycled material end market opportunity.

Applicants are also asked to provide estimates on the total volume of materials that will be used in delivering the project itself. Volumes will be assessed in the context of what your project is aiming to achieve, and in relation to the material type. E.g. if your project is focused on lighter material such as polystyrene this will not disadvantage you.

Are certain product solutions preferred over others?

The waste hierarchy and the circularity of product solutions will be a consideration of the panel. However, the success of your application will be based on the strength of your proposal, and the ability to demonstrate a market need, alignment with fund objectives and how your project will support the expansion of Victorian end markets for recycled materials. We recognise that circularity is not always possible, so we highly recommend you apply even if your project represents a non-circular solution.

Who will be undertaking the assessment?

The assessment panel will be comprised of assessors with relevant subject matter and/or technical expertise and experience based on the objectives of the fund.

How many projects usually get funded per round?

There is no set number of applications to be funded through each round of the program. The total program value for RVMAF is $5 million across Streams 1 and 2. Stream 1: Research, Development and Demonstration will award funding between $30,000 – $400,000 per recommended project.

Will SV consider partially funding applicants?

SV endeavours to fund projects at the requested amount. Projects will be assessed on merit against the program’s eligibility and assessment criteria. The request amount and budget submitted with an application form part of this assessment.

Is there an interview conducted with the Applicant before a decision is made?

No, but the assessment panel may request clarifications on the information and/or documentation provided in the application as part of their assessment process.

If I am unsuccessful, will I receive feedback?

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing via email and will be offered a feedback session. Requests for feedback can also be made by email to

Submitting the application

Will late applications be accepted and/or can I get an extension on the submission date?

No, all applications must be submitted via SmartyGrants by 11:59pm Thursday 2 June 2022. Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances, at SV’s discretion. Please refer to Terms of Participation in Grants Programs for further information regarding late applications.

What type of insurance is required?

The Lead Applicant will be required to provide the relevant insurance prior to a funding agreement commencing. The standard insurances required are Public liability $10M minimum, Professional indemnity $5M minimum and WorkCover. Professional indemnity insurance may not apply to all applicants. If you believe this is may apply to you, please detail this in the application form.

Will my application information be confidential?

Yes, the information contained in your application will be kept strictly confidential. If the project is successfully funded, the project information detailed in the Project Overview section of the application form may be used for promotional purposes (this is outlined in the application form itself), so please ensure the information in this section is not commercial-in-confidence.

Can SV provide feedback on my proposed project?

No, as this is a competitive process, SV is unable to review a draft or provide feedback on the potential merit of a project.

We encourage applicants to consider and address how the project meets the objectives of the fund and the assessment criteria.

Can I submit multiple applications for different projects?

You can submit multiple applications. Each application must be for a different project. An application must not be for multiple projects. Applicants can apply for funding under both Streams provided each application is for a different project.

I have already applied for another SV grant and I'm waiting for the outcome. Can I still apply for this fund?

You can apply for multiple funding programs provided your project meets the specific eligibility and assessment criteria. Eligible applications will be assessed using a contested process against the merit criteria in the program’s guidelines.

Each program has different objectives, eligibility requirements and assessment criteria and your application should be specific to the program you are applying for.

If you have submitted an application for another SV funding program, you need to advise this in your application form. SV will not provide funding from more than one grant program for the same project.

What other support does SV have available to applicants?

Please note: the SV teams outlined below cannot provide direct feedback on project applications.

  • The Buy Recycled Service and dedicated teamwork with councils aims to encourage increased use of recycled materials and products in infrastructure, landscaping, parks and gardens. This service is part of Sustainability Victoria’s Recycled First Local Government program. To learn more, visit Buy Recycled Service.
  • SV’s Investment Facilitation Service is a free service that can help you identify opportunities to progress your projects, including market intelligence, potential commercial partnerships, links across government agencies, regulatory requirements and both public and private funding avenues. To learn more, visit Investment Facilitation Service.
  • The Market Bulletin offers market insights by material stream and access material flows (local and overseas markets), commodity prices, any significant changes to local market through to opportunities within the industry and Victoria. The bulletin is produced in partnership with external government and industry experts. Sign up for the Sustainability Victoria Market Bulletin.

If you require detailed information on a particular material stream, for example feedstock availability, please get in touch at to discuss your enquiry further.

Contact us

Please note we cannot review drafts or provide feedback.

In the email subject line, use the grant name Recycling Victoria Markets Acceleration Fund Stream 1: Research, Development and Demonstration.