Circular Economy Innovation Fund: Round 4 – Capability Building

Last updated: 18 October 2024
Status: Applications closed
Closing date: Thursday 14 March 2024, 11:59 pm
Total funding available: Grants of $50,000 to $400,000 are available.

Applicants must contribute at least $1 for every $4 funded. Co-contributions can be either financial (cash) or in-kind. Up to 100% of the co-contribution can be in-kind.

Available to: Businesses, Charities, Industry groups and associations, Community groups, Social enterprises, Not-for-profit organisations, Local government

Sustainability Victoria (SV) is supporting Businesses and Collaborative Partnerships through Round 4 of the Circular Economy Innovation Fund to build business capability in circular economy.

Projects must improve awareness and understanding of circular economy and enhance circular economy business innovation in Victoria.

This grant is funded through the government’s circular economy policy, Recycling Victoria: a new economy.

The following are the guidelines for applying for this fund.

Please note:

1. Fund overview

1.1 Fund objectives

The fund aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Provide businesses with improved awareness / understanding of circular economy.
  • Enhance circular economy business innovation in Victoria through the delivery of training, programs or an action plan.

The projects must aim to enable the Victorian business community to achieve at least 2 of the following outcomes:

  • Creation of new circular products and services.
  • Avoidance of waste materials to any waste or recycling destination.
  • Increase employment through direct creation of jobs.
  • Increase capacity to extend the useable life of products.
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

1.2 Funding available

Grants of $50,000 to $400,000 are available. SV reserves the right to offer successful Applicants with partial funding.

1.3 Co-contribution

  • Applicants must contribute at least $1 for every $4 funded.
  • Co-contributions can be either financial (cash) or in-kind. Up to 100% of the co-contribution can be in-kind.

2. Eligibility

2.1 Who can apply

Lead Applicants:

  • Businesses (Commercial for-profit)
  • Social enterprises (must be currently registered with Social Traders or prove accreditation before entering into a funding agreement)
  • Charities and other not-for-profits
  • Industry groups and associations (an industry group or association, also known as an industry trade association, business association, sector association or industry body, is an organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry) Note: For projects that involve development of a collaborative action plan, the Lead Applicant must be an Industry group or association.
  • Research institutions
  • Current Cooperative Research Centres
  • Current Rural Research and Development Corporations
  • Government or local government organisations
  • Community organisations and groups that are fully incorporated.

Note: If the Applicant is a Trust, the Funding Agreement must be executed by the Trustee of the Trust for example XYZ Pty Ltd as The Trustee for the XYZ Trust. The Trust as the trading entity must meet all the eligibility requirements of the fund (eg ABN).

Lead Applicants must have:

  • a direct, clear role and demonstrated contribution (in-kind and/or financial contribution) that is significant to the delivery of the project
  • an active ABN of 2 years standing at the date of close of the applications.

Collaborative Partners:

Projects may include Collaborative Partners.

Where a Collaborative Partnership is proposed in the application, the Lead Applicant will lead the Collaborative Partnership and be accountable for project delivery and management. The Collaborative Partner must not be a Related Entity. Only the Lead Applicant will receive grant funding. Any allocations of grant funding or financial co-contributions between Collaborative Partners and Delivery Partners must be managed by the Lead Applicant.

Collaborative Partners must have:

  • an active ABN
  • a direct, clear role and demonstrated contribution (in-kind and/or financial contribution) that is important to the delivery of the project.

A letter of support (or equivalent) must be provided by the Collaborative Partner, signed by an authorised representative and must be provided with the application, detailing their:

  • commitment to be publicly announced as a Project Partner should funding be awarded
  • financial and/or in-kind contribution to the project
  • their role and responsibilities to the project

The Collaborative Partnership must be formalised through an agreement (MoU or equivalent) prior to the first milestone payment for successful projects.

We encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

Applicants who do not agree with the Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions will be asked to provide full details of proposed amendments that would render the contractual provision acceptable to the Applicant in the SmartyGrants application form. Applicants should note that significant or substantive variations will not be viewed favourably unless the Applicant is able to demonstrate the necessity for such variations. Should applicants be successful, no further amendments to SV’s standard terms and conditions will be considered beyond the variations included in the application form.

Lead Applicants cannot be:

  • Unincorporated associations
  • Federal government organisations, excluding Rural Research and Development Councils
  • Sole Traders or Individuals.

2.3 What will be funded

SV funding is available for projects that focus on improving awareness and understanding of circular economy and enhancing circular economy business innovation in Victoria, through:

  • delivery of a capability building training / skills development program for businesses and entrepreneurs
  • delivery of a challenge, incubator or accelerator program for businesses and entrepreneurs
  • developing a collaborative action plan by an industry association for transition to a circular economy covering a specified industry sector or supply-chain.

Projects must incorporate at least one of the 3 principles of the circular economy that are driven by design:

  • Eliminate waste and pollution.
  • Keep products and materials in use, at their highest value.
  • Regenerate natural systems.

Projects must also aim to enable the Victorian business community to achieve at least 2 of the following outcomes:

  • Creation of new Circular Products and Services.
  • Avoidance of waste materials to any waste or Recycling destination.
  • Increase employment through direct creation of jobs.
  • Increase capacity to extend the useable life of products.
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Applicants must demonstrate a proven track-record of successful delivery of the type of project they are proposing for funding.

Applicants must demonstrate that project costs are directly related to the project and can include:

  • new staff costs (such as salaries)
  • existing staff costs (such as salaries)
  • venue hire
  • consultancy costs/project management costs
  • marketing, advertising, promotional costs
  • data collection and evaluation.

Other types of costs may be considered to be funded at the discretion of SV, if demonstrated in the grant application to be directly associated with the project and not specifically excluded below.

Projects must also:

  • be located in and service Victoria
  • meet regulatory or planning requirements
  • be completed by 31 October 2024.

2.4 What will not be funded

SV will not fund projects that have commenced before the Applicant is notified by SV in writing that their grant application has been successful. Note: if Applicants fail to execute a Funding Agreement, their eligible costs will not be reimbursed. 

Funding will not be provided for projects that are primarily focused on:

  • recycling or recycled materials and content
  • waste-to-energy, bioenergy and bioenergy fuels (including anaerobic digestion)
  • litter, microplastics and illegal dumping
  • bioplastics, biodegradable plastics, or compostable plastics
  • aggregates and soils
  • energy, emissions, or water (although these may be co-benefits of projects)
  • product stewardship schemes focused on recycling.

Project types

  • Projects that are being undertaken in order to comply with regulation or a regulatory notice or order.
  • Projects that have received funding or support for the same activities from other sources.
  • Projects that do not meet regulatory or planning requirements.

Project costs

  • Capital purchases (e.g. infrastructure or equipment).
  • Lease or purchase of land.
  • Permit, licensing, approval costs.
  • Routine or cyclical maintenance works.
  • Repair of facilities damaged by vandalism, fire or other natural disasters where damage should be covered by insurance.
  • Operating costs (e.g. electricity, water and other utilities).
  • Purchase of vehicles (e.g. front-end loaders, forklifts).
  • Pre-construction (site preparation) such as site clearing, earthworks or site accessibility works.
  • Leasing of equipment.
  • Contingency costs.
  • Fuel costs.
  • Catering.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses.

3. Assessment process

3.1 Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed using a rolling grants approach whereby applications are assessed as received until funding is fully subscribed, the prescribed time limit is reached or at the discretion of SV. Applicants will be assessed against a merit-based criteria. In the instance that multiple applications are being assessed concurrently, SV retain the right to implement a contested process.

The assessment panel will assess applications based on merit according to the criteria below.


Weighting: 40%

Describe what you are going to do and how the project meets the stated project requirements including:

  • What is your proposed project?
  • How will your project incorporate the three principles of a circular economy and be driven by design?
  • What similar projects have you delivered previously? What were the successes/lessons learnt?
  • How will the project directly or indirectly contribute to the following outcomes? Select a minimum of 2, as applies to your project.
    • Creation of new Circular Products and Services.
    • Avoidance of waste materials to any waste or Recycling destination.
    • Increase employment through direct creation of jobs.
    • Increase capacity to extend the useable life of products.
    • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • How does your project improve awareness/understanding of circular economy and enhance circular economy business innovation in Victoria?
  • How many businesses or individuals will be engaged? And how will their capacity for acting on sustainability improve?


Weighting: 30%

Demonstrate that the Lead Applicant and Collaborative Partner/s (if applicable) can deliver the project in terms of capability (skills) and capacity (resources), including:

  • roles and responsibilities
  • relevant experience delivering similar projects
  • Lead Applicants’ experience in leading a collaborative project (if applicable).


Weighting: 30%

Demonstrate how the project will be delivered including identifying:

  • the key stages, activities and deliverables to complete it (milestones)
  • project budget detailing SV funding request and Co-contribution (in-kind and/or cash) from the Lead Applicant and Collaborative Partners (if applicable) for eligible costs and expenditure items
  • anticipated risks and management strategies for mitigation
  • engagement plan
  • monitoring and evaluation plan.

3.2 Diversity consideration

SV may overlay rankings to achieve an overall mix of projects that represent:

  • a geographical spread across Victorian regions
  • a mix of the three allowable project types
  • inclusion of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander businesses that are at least 50% Indigenous owned and managed.

3.3 Due diligence checks

A risk-based approach will be used to assess the Applicant’s social, economic, safety and environmental risks in relation to the project. This assessment will include the Applicant’s Related Entities and may include Project Partners and Project Participants (see Section 9: Program definitions).

Applicants (and their Related Entities and, if applicable, their Project Partners and Project Participants) must:

  • have had no Environmental, Safety or Workplace Breaches in the last five years or, if there was a breach, Sustainability Victoria may assess that the Applicant’s breach poses a satisfactory level of risk
  • have not been the subject of an enforceable undertaking or successful litigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman for a breach of the Fair Work Act 2009 or a fair work instrument within the last 5 years
  • demonstrate financial capability to undertake the project
  • have adequate insurance as outlined in the funding agreement such as:
    • Public liability $10M minimum
    • Professional indemnity $2M minimum (if required)
  • have not failed to satisfactorily progress or complete previous projects funded by Sustainability Victoria within funding program timelines and without sufficient reason
  • manage any conflicts of interest adequately.

Assessment of satisfactory level of risk will include but not be limited to Sustainability Victoria’s consideration of:

  • the seriousness of any finding/s
  • whether the finding/s has been resolved to the satisfaction of the relevant enforcement agency, or the Applicant can demonstrate it is working effectively to resolve the finding
  • the efforts made by the Applicant including implementation of management systems, to ensure no further finding/s occur
  • whether, since the finding, the Applicant has had a satisfactory level of compliance with relevant Environmental and Safety Laws and Workplace Laws.

Sustainability Victoria may conduct due diligence checks on the Project Partners and Project Participants involved in the delivery of the project. The Applicant must ensure that any Project Partners and Project Participants agree to cooperate with this requirement and will provide information at Sustainability Victoria’s request.

Sustainability Victoria reserves the right not to award funding to Applicants where the due diligence risk (including that of Project Partners and Project Participants) is unsatisfactory or not able to be managed.

4. Funding conditions

Successful Applicants approved for funding must do the following.

4.1 Before starting the project

  • Participate in an inception meeting to discuss their project and the funding agreement.
  • Agree to realistic evidence-based and performance-based milestone payments.
  • Provide Sustainability Victoria with insurance certificates of currency.
  • Sign Sustainability Victoria’s funding agreement within 30 days of approval.
  • Provide a project plan.

4.2 During and after the project

  • Deliver the project as outlined in the application and comply with the funding agreement.
  • Contribute to regular project progress updates or meetings.
  • Notify Sustainability Victoria immediately about any delay or change to the project.
  • Provide update reports to Sustainability Victoria at agreed milestones with evidence of expenditure, progress and performance.
  • Provide adequate monitoring and evaluation of the project according to the funding agreement.
  • Collect and release data to Sustainability Victoria. Sustainability Victoria may share or report on the data.
  • Contribute to the project’s promotional activities (for example, provide Sustainability Victoria with support by reviewing and approving written stories or videos).
  • Participate in and contribute to Sustainability Victoria activities to distribute the findings to broader stakeholders (for example, government and industry).
  • Acknowledge that Sustainability Victoria has contributed funding in all communications related to the project.

5. Timeline

Applications open: 22 January 2024.

Applications close: 11.59pm 14 March 2024.

Funding agreements established: Ongoing assessments as applications are submitted. Please note that funding may be allocated prior to the close date.

Project commenced from: The start date can be discussed at the point of establishing funding agreements.

Project completed by: 31 October 2024.

6. How to apply

Before applying:

  1. Ensure that your organisation can apply.
  2. Ensure that your project meets the criteria for funding.
  3. Read Sustainability Victoria’s funding agreement. You must meet the terms and conditions to ensure funding.
    1. For grants $50,000 or less read the Short-form grant funding agreement.
    2. For grants more than $50,000 read the General grant funding agreement.
  4. Read Sustainability Victoria’s Terms of participation in grant programs.
  5. Create an account and start your application on the SmartyGrants website when applications are expected to open on 22 January 2024.
  6. Final date to submit your application is by 11:59 pm, 14 March 2024. Late applications will not be accepted except under exceptional circumstances.
  7. As per Section 3.1 Assessment criteria in the Guidelines, in the instance that multiple applications are being assessed concurrently, SV retains the right to implement a contested process. In the interest of fairness to all applicants, all eligible applications will be assessed using a contested process.

Your application

  • Allow adequate time to plan, research, gather supporting documentation and draft your application.
  • You must use SmartyGrants, unless you have written permission from Sustainability Victoria.

7. Assistance available

7.1 Contact us

Any questions specifically related to this program please contact SV on:

Phone: +61 3 8656 6757 Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.


In the subject line, use the grant name Circular Economy Innovation Fund – Round 4 – Capability Building.

The grants team cannot review drafts or provide feedback, please see section 7.2 below if you require assistance with your application.

Please note: Grants Enquiries will be unavailable to respond to email or phone enquiries from Friday 22 December 2023 to Monday 8 January 2024. We thank you for your understanding.

7.2 Application Review and Advisory Service

We recommend Applicants engage with SV’s support services before submitting their application to ensure their project is investment ready and set up for success.

The Application Review and Advisory Service is separate and removed from the panel evaluation scoring process. Using this service does not guarantee any level of success with any application.

Read about our free Application Review and Advisory Service.

Please note: The Application Review and Advisory Service will be unavailable from Friday 22 December 2023 to Tuesday 2 January 2024. We thank you for your understanding.

8. Why the Victorian Government is providing this funding

This fund is part of the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria policy whose targets include reducing total waste generation by 15% per capita by 2030.

Action 1.1 of the policy is to deliver the Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre (CEBIC), which fosters business Innovation and collaboration across supply chains to reduce waste, increase reuse and generate new streams of revenue for Businesses. This fund is part of CEBIC’s programs.

Recycling Victoria Action 1.2 is to deliver business support grants to:

  • help businesses improve resource efficiency
  • reduce waste to landfill
  • increase recycling
  • reduce business costs.

Peak industry bodies, industry associations and coordinated business groups will also be able to seek funding to deliver sector-wide programs that promote waste avoidance, improved waste management and sustainable supply chain solutions. This has been delivered through the Circular Economy Business Support Fund.

Victorian businesses are not capitalising on the scale and scope of the circular economy.

The Fund will support the transition to a circular economy by improving awareness and understanding by businesses and entrepreneurs and developing sector-wide action plans.

9. Definitions


The Applicant who applies for the funding and is responsible for all details in the submission of an application and the contractual obligations under the funding agreement with Sustainability Victoria if successful for grant funding. Applicants must be legally constituted organisations and with a current ABN that has been active for a minimum of 2 years by the application closing date.

The funding that SV will grant to successful Applicants is public money, which SV must ensure is expended prudently, accountably and to achieve maximum impact. By requiring businesses to have been in operation for a minimum of 2 years, governments can reduce the risk of investing in businesses that may not have fully established their business model or market demand. This requirement also ensures that the business will have 2 years of financial returns which can be reviewed to assess whether the business is financially viable and able to acquit the project for which it seeks funding, thereby maximising the sustainability impacts of the funding.


Bioenergy is the production of energy from biomass materials such as the by-products of agricultural, food and forestry industries, as well as domestic and industrial waste management systems. Examples include anaerobic digestion, fermentation, liquefaction, pyrolysis, gasification, plasma techno, torrefaction, direct combustion (incineration), indirect combustion, hydrothermal carbonisation.

Bioenergy Fuels

This refers to liquid fuel derived directly from biomass, for example, biodiesel (a diesel substitute) and bioethanol.

A commercial enterprise seeking to generate profit through its activities, including Social Enterprises.

A Charity is an organisation that is not-for-profit and has only charitable purposes that are for the public benefit. A Charity must not be an individual, political party or government entity, and must be registered on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Charity Register.

Circular Economy

The Recycling Victoria policy describes a Circular Economy as:

'A Circular Economy continually seeks to reduce the environmental impacts of production and consumption, while enabling economic growth through more productive use of natural resources.

It allows us to avoid waste with good design and effective recovery of materials that can be reused.

It promotes more efficient Business models that encourage intense and efficient product use, such as sharing products between multiple users, or supplying a product as a service that includes maintenance, repair and disposal.

The value people obtain from the resources used to create goods and services increases.

It transforms our linear economy mindset—take, use and throw away—and fosters Innovation and productivity that invigorates existing Businesses and creates new ones, delivering more jobs and more growth for local, regional, state and global economies.'

Circular Products and Services

Those that align with the principles of a Circular Economy:

  • Design out waste and pollution.
  • Keep products and material in use at the highest value.
  • Regenerate natural systems.


The Applicant’s required cash or in-kind contribution to the total project income. Co-contributions must be for eligible activities.

Collaborative Partnership

A relationship established between a Lead Applicant and Project Partners for the purposes of meeting common project objectives and outcomes. Collaborative Partnerships need to be demonstrated by a formal agreement between the partners that outlines the governance, financial and intellectual property arrangements and roles and responsibilities of each party. A formal agreement must either be in place or be finalised before commencement of the project.

Community Group

Any organisation engaged in charitable or other community-based activity operating under Australian law and not established for the purpose of making a profit. This definition can include Not-for-profit entities pursuing a range of ‘for-profit’ commercial activities. It can also include organisations engaged in advocacy or other activities that may not be primarily charitable in nature. Unincorporated entities are ineligible to apply.

Delivery Partners

The Delivery Partner provides support to the project through their experience, skills, or resources (e.g. a consultant), but does not provide Co-contributions.

Direct Jobs

Actual new full-time positions created by your business. This can include training or upskilling of employees who would otherwise be made redundant through the implementation of your project.

Environmental, Safety or Workplace Breach

An environmental or safety breach is any past or current prosecution, reportable incident, investigation, notice, penalty, warning, regulatory intervention or enforcement action from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkSafe) or Fair Work or failure to comply with any environmental, safety and workplace laws.

Environmental and Safety Laws

Environmental and safety laws are the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Environment Protection Act 2017 or any other legislation, regulation, order, statute, by-law, ordinance or any other legislative or regulatory measure, code, standard or requirement relating to the protection and safety of persons or property or which regulate the environment including laws relating to land use planning, pollution of air or water, soil or groundwater contamination, chemicals, waste, the use, handling, storage or transport of dangerous goods or substances, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon trading, or any other aspect of protection of the environment.

Full-Time Equivalent Employees (FTE)

The hours worked by one employee on a full-time basis.

Calculating FTE

The calculation is used to convert the hours worked by several part-time employees into the hours worked by full-time employees. For example, you have three employees working the following - 40, 40 and 20 hours per week, giving you 100 hours per week in total.

Assuming full-time hours are 40 hours per week, your full-time equivalent calculation is 100 hours divided by 40 hours which equals 2.5 FTE.

Industry Groups or Associations

An Industry Group or Association, also known as an industry trade association, Business association, sector association or industry body, is an organisation founded and funded by Businesses that operate in a specific industry.

In-kind Contribution

An In-kind Contribution is a contribution of a good or a service other than cash.

In-kind Contributions should include the cost for activities that are directly related to delivering your project. Examples include:

  • staff time to manage project implementation (project management and installation costs that utilise existing internal resources)
  • time spent on project activities by volunteers
  • donated goods or services related to the project.

The following activities cannot be considered as In-kind Contributions:

  • Operating expenses that are not directly associated with delivering the project.
  • Opportunity costs such as staff ‘downtime’ during the installation of equipment or implementation of activities.

Applicants must fairly justify how they determined the dollar value for in-kind contributions.


An Innovation is something new, different, or better, that creates value. It may be the first of its kind, inspired by others’ solutions, or copied. For this grant program, it must not have been done before in Victoria.

Lead Applicant

The listed Applicant for the purposes of a Collaborative Partnership. The Lead Applicant will be responsible for all details in the submission of an application and the contractual obligations under the funding agreement with SV if successful for grant funding. The Lead Applicant is also responsible for managing the project outcomes and deliverables of the Collaborative Partnership.

Materials Efficiency or Resource Efficiency

Materials Efficiency is about doing more with less and ultimately saving money. It means producing a product or service using less input materials or producing more product or service for the same amount of material.

There are many actions that Businesses can take to improve Materials Efficiency ranging from process or systems changes to reduce wastage or improve productivity; through changing how input materials are measured and loaded; to redesigning products and services so they use less material to make. Wasted or unused materials is lost revenue. Simply put, it’s money down the drain.


A Not-for-profit (NFP) organisation is an entity that does not operate for the profit or gain (either direct or indirect) of particular people. Unincorporated entities are ineligible to apply.

Project Participant

An organisation engaged by the Applicant to assist in the delivery of the Applicant’s project, including but not limited to major subcontractors, contractors, product suppliers and consultants.

Project Partner

An organisation/s in a Collaborative Partnership with a Lead Applicant that have a critical role in the project and a formal commitment to delivering the support required to ensure the project’s success.

Recycled Content Products

Production of new products using materials recovered from Recycling processes, for example the production of new PET bottles using Recycled plastics as the material input (rPET).


Typically refers to converting waste into a reusable material and often then using recovered material to produce something new. It is a term that may be used to cover a wide range of activities, including collection, sorting, reprocessing and manufacture into new products.


A process whereby surplus un-used products (often food) that would otherwise have ended up as waste are, instead, made available for people to use or consume. In the Circular Economy, Redistribution is similar to ‘Re-use’ however this definition is not suitable for food and other products that have not yet been used or may only be used a single time (e.g. collecting unsold bread from a bakery and Redistributing it to people in need).


Like Remanufacturing, Refurbishment can refer to range of processes, from testing to rebuilding. A product can be Refurbished by the original manufacturer, the original vendor or another third party. At a minimum, a Refurbished product should function properly and without defect. Refurbishment is often a less thorough and costly process compared to Remanufacture as the vendor is not required to meet the ANSI Standard of Remanufactured. Refurbished is generally superior to a ‘used’ product, which may not be tested and may or may not be defective or lesser quality in some way.

Related Entities

Entities which are related to the Applicant, including:

  • holding companies of the Applicant
  • subsidiaries of the Applicant
  • subsidiaries of holding companies of the Applicant
  • companies with common directors or shareholders as the Applicant
  • companies that are a beneficiary under a trust of which the Applicant is a trustee
  • Trustees of a trust under which the Applicant is a beneficiary
  • companies that conduct business at the same address as the Applicant, or the same address as the location of the activity for which the funding is sought.

Related Person

Related Person means a director, officer, employee, agent, board member or contractor of the Applicant or a Related Entity.


A comprehensive and rigorous industrial process by which a previously sold, leased, used, worn, or non-functional product or part is returned to a “like-new” or “better-than-new” condition, from both a quality and performance perspective, through a controlled, reproducible, and sustainable process (ANSI Standard).

Research Institution

A Research Institution can be a tertiary education institution, a government agency established for the purpose of research, a Cooperative Research Centre, an Institute or Centre for Research or a privately owned and accredited research facility. Consultancies are not considered to be Research Institutions for the purpose of this grants program.


A process defined as using a product more than once in its original form, for the same purpose or a different purpose, by buying or otherwise obtaining second-hand items; renting or accessing products through a sharing platform; and/or repairing products rather than discarding and purchasing a replacement.

Social Enterprise

A Social Enterprise is a business that trades to intentionally tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people access to employment and training, or help the environment.

Social Enterprises:

  • are driven by a public or community cause, be it social, environmental, cultural or economic
  • derive most of their income from trade, not donations or grants
  • use the majority (at least 50%) of their profits to work towards their social mission.

Waste Destination

Waste Destinations are specific locations where waste products are disposed to at their end of useful life, including resource recovery facilities.

In this fund, Waste Destinations include (but are not limited to):

  • landfill (including deep burial)
  • combustion
  • Waste to energy (or similar)
  • Sewer
  • on-farm managed (e.g., incorporated into soil, applied to land, buried)
  • Recycling (including composting)
  • animal feed.


Waste-to-energy technology is an energy recovery process that converts chemicals from waste residues into practical forms of energy like electricity, heat or steam.

Workplace Laws

Workplace laws are the Fair Work Act 2009, or any other legislation, regulation order, statute, by-law, ordinance or any other legislative or regulatory measure, code, standard or requirement relating to the provision of fair, relevant and enforceable minimum terms and conditions for all persons and to prevent discrimination against employees.

Get in touch

We are located in Melbourne and also have staff in regional Victoria.

Melbourne office

Level 12, 321 Exhibition Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000