ResourceSmart Schools Biodiversity Module

Last updated: 14 January 2025

The Biodiversity Module helps schools to protect and improve the land (school grounds and surrounds), the local ecosystem, and plant and animal habitats.

Biodiversity is found in genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. It recognises the connection of everything with each other and with the environment, to form ecosystems. Ecosystems exist everywhere on land, in rivers, along coasts and in the ocean.

The Biodiversity Module involves three key areas:

  1. Workplace/operational

    Schools assess the way they use natural resources through a biodiversity audit. From this, create a biodiversity improvement plan and manage habitats in your grounds.

  2. Learning and teaching

    Explore curriculum activities that engage students in learning and taking action to conserve and increase biodiversity in schools.

  3. Whole school community engagement

    Engage the whole school to work on biodiversity by engaging teachers, students, parents and the wider community.

If signing up and committing to the ResourceSmart Schools program it is recommended to start and complete the Core Module first then proceed with other modules in any order or the same time. If not signing up to the program, schools can utilise the Biodiversity resources to become more sustainable.

Module completion

Complete 7 compulsory actions and a minimum of 17 of the 25 recommended actions to meet certification requirements.

ResourceSmart Schools Biodiversity Module resources

ResourceSmart Biodiversity Module checklist

18 July 2022 – A list of all actions to help each school through the ResourceSmart Schools program Biodiversity Module.

Quick Guide Biodiversity Module

10 March 2023 – This guide helps schools to work through the Biodiversity Module.

ResourceSmart Biodiversity Module Annual Action Plan

1 August 2022 – Use this yearly action plan template to reflect the activities your school would like to undertake to improve biodiversity.

ResourceSmart Biodiversity audit tool

26 November 2020 – Tools for schools to undertake their annual biodiversity audit.

Curriculum links: Level F–6

18 July 2019 – Helping schools to build sustainability into their curriculum in all subject areas from foundation to grade six.

Additional Biodiversity resources

  • Children & Nature Network – The Children & Nature Network was created to encourage and support the people and organisations working nationally and internationally to reconnect children with nature.
  • Cool AustraliaCool Australia creates units of work and learning activities that are year level specific, from Early Learning to Year 12. All are linked to Australian Curriculum standards and the Early Years Learning Framework outcomes. They offer some great biodiversity resources for teachers and students.
  • Environmental Education in Early Childhood (EEEC)Environmental Education in Early Childhood (EEEC) is a non profit organisation that provides support, resources and professional development in relation to Education for Sustainability in the Early Years.
  • Greening Australia Greening Australia offers factsheets and resources about Australia's native vegetation with access to over 300 Greening Australia publications
  • Museums VictoriaMuseums Victoria provides a wide range of educational material and programs for teachers and students of all ages at Melbourne Museum, Scienceworks. Students can use current environmental survey techniques and can prepare a report on their findings for the ResourceSmart Biodiversity Module, community wildlife projects and/or for a national biodiversity database using Bowerbird and other education resources developed by Museum Victoria.
  • Parks VictoriaJunior Rangers is an exciting environmental program encouraging primary-aged children and their families to explore and have fun in Victoria's parks and reserves by participating in a wealth of activities during the school holidays. Junior Rangers can find out all about what’s going on, direct from a park ranger!
  • Planet ArkPlanet Ark has developed a number of resources to support teachers and their environmental education programs.

Want to know more? Get in touch with:

ResourceSmart Schools Education Team
Sustainability Victoria
1300 363 744