Renovate a home for energy efficiency

Last updated: 20 January 2025

The energy performance of a house will depend on its location, siting, age and the materials used in its construction. New houses will usually be more efficient than older houses, due to changes in regulations, building and design practice.

Since any home built before 1990 is likely to have no wall insulation and very little ceiling insulation, insulation should be a priority to improve energy efficiency.

Double-brick (c.1920–1940)

Double-brick houses are typically built with double brick walls, timber windows and timber framed floors, on stumps. Double-brick homes have a lot of character, but they can also have lots of gaps where air can escape. It is important to consider draught proofing when renovating your double-brick home.


Double-fronted brick veneer (c.1960–1970)

Double-fronted brick veneer houses are typically built with brick veneer walls, metal-framed windows, tiled roof and timber floors. Double-fronted brick veneer homes are likely to have no wall insulation or floor insulation, and only a small amount of ceiling insulation.


Brick veneer, estate-style (c.1980s onwards)

Estate-style houses typically have brick veneer walls, a concrete slab on the ground, aluminium windows and a metal roof. Any home that was built before 1990 is likely to have no wall insulation and very little ceiling insulation.


Weatherboard (c.1900–1940)

Weatherboard houses are lightweight constructions, typically built with timber framed walls, timber framed floors on stumps, timber windows and roof tiles. Most weatherboard houses are unlikely to have insulated walls.


Residential Efficiency Scorecard

Need help prioritising energy-efficiency upgrades on an existing home? The Residential Efficiency Scorecard gives your house a star rating out of 10 based on its annual energy costs and suggests ways to make your home more comfortable and cheaper to run.

Learn more about the Scorecard