Electrify your home

Last updated: 6 January 2025

Are you thinking about getting your home off gas and going all-electric? For most Victorians, switching your home from a mix of gas and electric appliances to all-electric will reduce energy costs. It can also make your home net zero ready and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

When you are renovating or building a new home it's an ideal time to consider efficient electric appliances. Many renovations focus on living spaces – those areas that are most used and require the most energy for heating and cooling. They also often have older appliances, which are due for replacement.

In an existing home, when major gas appliances, such as gas heating or hot water systems, reach the end of their life, it’s a great time to upgrade them with a more efficient, electric option. It's best to plan your transition off gas over a few years, replacing one appliance at a time until you are ready to abolish your gas supply meter.

Common electrification questions

How to switch to electric


In Victoria, heating accounts for the largest amount of energy used in the home. Upgrading to an electric reverse cycle split system is the most energy efficient, lowest cost heating option available that generates the lowest greenhouse emissions.

Many Victorian homes have both gas heating and reverse cycle air conditioning systems. Using the heating function on your air conditioner instead of your gas heater will save you money without the need to invest in new technology.

Water heating

Hot water accounts for around at least 15% of the average Victorian household’s energy costs. Replacing your existing gas hot water service with a heat-pump hot water unit is a great option for reducing your gas bills and saving on greenhouse gas emissions.

Cooking appliances

Gas cooktops can be replaced with modern induction cooktops – which are safer, faster and easier to clean.

Electric options for renters

Renters can still electrify their homes by working with the landlord to upgrade a gas heating system to a reverse cycle heating and cooling system, replacing your gas hot water system with a heat pump when it reaches its end of life and by using electric appliances for cooking.

More information

Further information can also be found by searching the Efficient Homes category on the Renew magazine website, and the Energy and Appliances section of the Sanctuary magazine website.