7 Star Homes Program – Stream B: Free ABV Testing

Last updated: 11 July 2024

Sustainability Victoria (SV) is working to ensure the quality of new 7-star NatHERS rated homes. Although our homes are designed to meet specific energy-efficiency standards, errors during the construction process often prevent homes from delivering on their expected performance.

Research conducted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) showed that the average new Melbourne home (assumed to achieve 6-star NatHERS) had an air leakage rate of 19.7 air changes per hour (ACH) at 50 Pascals (Pa). This is well outside compliance with the National Construction Code which assumes a maximum air permeability of 10 ACH at 50 Pa.

When it came to insulation installation, of the homes assessed across Australia 67% were deemed to be of average or below average insulation coverage. Despite this, there are currently no mandates to conduct as-built verification (ABV) of the insulation coverage and air tightness of a class 1a building.

An ABV assessment will give homeowners and builders the confidence that their new home won’t be draughty, uncomfortable or unnecessarily expensive to heat and cool.

Free ABV testing is available for 7-star homes built after 01 July 2022.

What is as-built verification?

An as-built verification (ABV) ensures the home is constructed in accordance with its designed energy efficiency requirements. The assessment is conducted by an independent assessor once the home is completed and consists of 3 types of tests:

  • Blower door test – pressurises and de-pressurises the home to simulate wind blowing against the building’s exterior to identify air leaks in the building’s envelope.
  • Thermal imaging – this is completed in conjunction with blower door testing to locate the source of draughts as well as missing or poorly installed insulation that may result in the movement of heat/cool into and out of the building.
  • Visual inspection of windows, ceiling insulation and appliances to ensure these align with the designed NatHERS requirements.

For more information on ABV, visit the ins and outs of as-built verification.

Program overview

SV is offering free ABV assessments for eligible 7-star homes. The ABV will be conducted by an independent assessor once the home has been completed.

Whether you are a builder wanting to learn about ABV and measure the quality of your build, or a homeowner interested in learning about the performance of your new home, you can register for free testing through the 7 Star Homes Program.

There are a limited number of free assessments available, and applications will be assessed in the order they are received. Once the allocation is exhausted the program will close.

How it works:

  • Step 1: complete the registration form via SmartyGrants. This includes the provision of the following documentation:
    • NatHERS report.
    • House plans.
  • Step 2: once approved, SV will put you in contact with our independent assessor and provide you with a booking form.
  • Step 3: book your ABV assessment and return completed booking form to the independent assessor.
  • Step 4: ABV assessment day:
    • Ensure heating or cooling is in operation for at least 30 minutes before the assessment so that there is a definite temperature differential between the inside and outside of the home. This ensures distinct thermal images.
    • Ensure all windows and doors are closed.
    • If you’re a homeowner, consider inviting your builder along. This provides a great learning opportunity
    • If you’re a builder and the home has been handed over, you will need to liaise with the homeowner in booking the ABV date. Someone will need to be present at the time of the ABV to let the assessor in and lock up afterward and ensure heating/cooling is running
  • Step 5: A detailed ABV assessment report will be provided to you. The report will highlight the location of any draughts and missing or poorly installed insulation and provide recommend actions to improve the performance of the home. The report will also be provided to SV.
  • Step 6: the SV Sustainable Homes team will be available to discuss the ABV results.


To be eligible for an ABV assessment funded by the SV 7 Star Homes Program, the home must:

  • be a class 1a residential dwelling
  • have a minimum 7 star NatHERS thermal rating - this rating must be conducted by a accredited NatHERS assessor
  • have completed construction after 01 July 2022
  • not be a certified Passive House or be constructed to Passive House standards.

Applications can be completed by either the homeowner or the builder with the homeowner’s permission. Homeowners applying prior to handover must work with their builder to ensure the home is ready for testing and to schedule the ABV date. Builders applying must seek permission from the homeowner and liaise with them (if after handover) to find a suitable date for the ABV assessment. Someone will need to be present at the time of the ABV Assessment to let the assessor in, lock up afterward and ensure heating or cooling is running.

Register for a free ABV test

Free ABV testing is available for 7-star homes built after 01 July 2022. There are a limited number of free assessments available, and applications will be assessed in the order they are received. Once the allocation is exhausted the program will close. All testing must be completed by 30 September 2023.

Collection of data

SV will receive a copy of the ABV report, and the documentation submitted with the Application (including the house plans and the NatHERS report).

Data and information will be used according to the Terms and Conditions of Participation and SV’s Privacy Policy for ongoing research and training.

Data and information will be de-identified and aggregated for publication in any public reports to maintain privacy and confidentiality.
