Tyre stewardship

Last updated: 13 January 2025

New markets for end of life tyres

Sustainability Victoria is working to grow the market for tyre-derived products and/or fuels and reduce used tyre stockpiles.

Better management of end of life tyres can reduce waste to landfill, eliminate environmental and health risks, and create viable market development opportunities.

At a national level Sustainability Victoria is collaborating with industry and other state governments to support the Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme and is co-leading a National Market Development Strategy for Used Tyres with the Queensland Government and Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA).

Other initiatives include:

  • Research and development – providing funding and support for industry to develop new applications and processes that consume tyre derived product. Sustainability Victoria is funding two projects as part of a national cooperative research project:
    • Developing cost-effective crumb rubber asphalt for Victorian roads – conducted by ARRB Group (in conjunction with TSA, Sustainability Victoria and industry partners)
    • Using tyre-derived aggregate as a supplementary material in pavement sub-bases – conducted by Swinburne University (in conjunction with TSA, Sustainability Victoria and industry partners)
  • Product specifications – working collaboratively across jurisdictions (with ARRB Group, VicRoads, Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection and Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads) to assess specifications that influence the consumption of tyre derived product in roads construction.
  • Procurement – product stewardship advocacy, dissemination of research results, updated specifications and business case information to influence procurement policy and purchasing decisions that support stronger end of life tyre (EOLT) markets.

Sustainability Victoria is also working closely with the EPA and the broader tyre industry to support the new regulatory framework for end of life tyres.

National Market Development Strategy

Responding to a recommendation from the Meeting of Environment Ministers, a Working Group, co-led by Sustainability Victoria and Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, in collaboration with New South Wales Environment Protection Authority, Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, and Tyre Stewardship Australia, was established to prepare the National Market Development Strategy for Used Tyres (the Strategy) for all Australian jurisdictions.

The Strategy presents a five-year approach to improve market conditions to better manage EOLTs and drive the growth of a domestic Tyre Derived Products (TDP) market.

Increasing recovery and demand for tyres through a stronger and diversified EOLT market will lead to fewer tyre stockpiles that pose fire and health threats to communities. The Strategy seeks to intervene and provide a consistent national approach to market development. This approach supports and aligns with TSA and the objectives of the National Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme.

The Strategy Vision is that ‘Australia has a strong and diverse market for recovery of EOLTs with profitable domestic outlets for TDPs that stimulates recovery and contributes to preventing stockpiling and illegal dumping’.

The Strategy aims to provide long-term directions for managing EOLTs and encouraging growth in TDPs. To achieve this the Strategy sets out five Strategic Objectives to be implemented over a five-year timeframe:

  1. Support the development of the Australian EOLT recycling sector.
  2. Address barriers to growth in key TDP markets in Australia.
  3. Develop markets for TDPs in road construction.
  4. Research long-term markets for TDPs in the rail construction sector.
  5. Develop new markets for use of Tyre Derived Aggregates (TDA) in non-structural civil engineering.


National Market Development Strategy – Tyres

11 April 2018 – The Strategy presents a five-year approach to improve market conditions to better manage end-of-life tyres and drive the growth of a domestic Tyre Derived Products market.

Key partnerships

Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA)

Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA)is a key collaborative partner for Sustainability Victoria in developing sustainable tyre markets. TSA has been established to administer a national tyre product stewardship scheme. Minister for the Environment, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, launched TSA on behalf of the tyre industry on 20 January 2014.

Australian Tyres Recyclers Association (ATRA)

Sustainability Victoria will work with Australian Tyres Recyclers Association (ATRA) to assist in the creation of new businesses and jobs through the realisation of cost-effective and environmentally sound recycling activities.

Want to know more? Get in touch with:

Tyre stewardship

Sustainability Victoria

1300 363 744
