Reuse online resources

Last updated: 14 January 2025

Reuse system guide for your business

The tips in this guide are based on the experiences and learnings of businesses that took part in reuse pilots funded by Sustainability Victoria. They trialed reuse systems in small precincts like office buildings, university food halls, catered events and mobile coffee carts.

What are the benefits of a reuse system?

After the initial investment of time and money there are long-term positive impacts of transitioning from single-use to a reuse system:

  • Cost savings: Spend less on single-use packaging. There are also cost savings for waste levies and charges.
  • Free advertising: You could feature on this interactive search map, which may help you reach new customers who share your dedication to a sustainable future.
  • Operational efficiency and flexibility: Streamline your operations and make yourself more adaptable to changing market trends.
  • Waste reduction: Be responsible for less litter in our recycling, streets and environment.
  • Enhanced customer loyalty: Keep customers who value sustainable practices coming back to your business.
  • Staff engagement and education: Involve your team in sustainability activities and education around reusables that make them feel good about their work.
  • Behaviour change and awareness: Foster positive environmental habits and awareness among staff and customers.
  • Community collaboration and innovation: Engage the community to foster innovative solutions.

What’s in this guide?

This guide to incorporating reusables in your business includes:

  • Where and how to get started
  • A list of things to consider before introducing a reuse system for your business
  • Tips on how to manage stakeholders (suppliers, staff, customers, tenants)
  • How to promote your new reuse system and communicate it
  • How to implement your system and evaluate its success.

Learn how organisations and businesses are leading the reuse revolution. These webinars and masterclasses are designed to share real-world experiences and learnings for reuse solutions.

Circular Economy Showcase Webinars

These webinars highlight how grant recipients implemented reuse solutions under the Circular Economy Reuse Pilots Fund.

Reuse Pilots in Office Buildings

The final webinar from the Reuse Pilots Fund explores how food service businesses can implement a reusable system to reduce single-use plastics in office buildings or small community settings.

Hear from Cercle, Investa Asset Management and Huskee as they reflect on their projects including - stakeholder engagement, challenges and successes, costs and recommendations.

The Cube Wodonga and Village Zero Sandringham

The Sandringham Traders Association launched Village Zero Sandringham and have been working with multiple partners to trial reuse systems to increase reusables in the Sandringham business precinct that has 34 food outlets. The Cube Wodonga has implemented a reuse system to replace single-use plastic water bottles, cups and wine glasses.

Watch this webinar to learn more about project details, including design and stakeholder engagement, along with challenges and costs.


Reuse pilots at universities

The guest speakers at Deakin University, La Trobe University, and Monash University, shared their experience with introducing collection stations, central dishwashers, and reusable crockery/cutlery/cups. Watch this webinar to learn more about

Watch this webinar to learn about successful stakeholder engagement strategies and behaviour change techniques, with the opportunity to ask question successful stakeholder engagement strategies and behaviour change techniques.

Choose to Reuse

The University of Melbourne has minimised single-use plastic from its food courts and is providing a reusable plates, cups, and cutlery service to reduce single-use plastics.

For more information, read the news story that includes questions and answers with Sue Hopkins.

Reuse solutions for events

This masterclass showcased how to implement a reusable system at events. Presenters from B-Alternative, Green My Plate and Green Music Australia explained set-up processes and challenges, and gave helpful tips on making events successful.

Reuse solutions for cafes

This masterclass was for businesses interested in reducing single-use coffee cups or that support businesses with circular solutions, such as local governments, trader associations, building or shopping centre managers.

Presenters from Green Caffeen, Skip Zero, Huskee, Cercle and One Good Cup provided reuse solutions for coffee and tea drinkers on the move.

For more information on businesses who are making the change, see Success stories - Reuse Champions.

Single-use plastics ban for local governments

This webinar informs Victorian local governments about the single-use plastics ban and how they can support local businesses and the community with this transition.

In this webinar, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning presented their SUP ban resources and activities. Sustainability Victoria (SV) presented key findings from engagement with hospitality businesses across Victoria.

SV also highlighted resources available for councils and businesses supporting reusables. Interstate presenters from the City of Adelaide and ACT Government discussed their SUP ban implementation strategies and shared key learning.

For more information, read Single-use plastics ban for councils: Questions and answers.

To view the presentation slides, visit Information toolkit.

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