Remember your reusable bags

Small acts are all it takes to make a big impact
You’ll save money, natural resources and the planet if you switch to reusable shopping bags. Even better if you remember to take them every time you go shopping.
It’s a small act with a big impact on Victoria’s sustainable future.
Why it matters
Plastic bags and other single-use plastic items (water bottles and straws) make up one third of the litter we see on Victoria’s streets, in our parks and waterways. They cause a whole range of issues once in the environment.
Plastic bags:
- are often used for only a few minutes but remain in the environment for hundreds of years
- break down into microplastics which stay in the environment where they harm wildlife, contaminate food and water, and can be harmful to our health
- often become litter which can be costly to clean up
- are made from virgin materials such as oil which is a non-renewable natural resource.
Tips and tricks
Keep your bags handy
Forgetting reusable bags when we shop happens to all of us. Make it easy to remember your reusable bags by keeping some:
- by the front door or next to where you keep your keys
- in the boot of your car or on the passenger seat
- in your regular carry bag, like your handbag or backpack.
You'll always have some on hand if you store reusable bags in a few convenient locations. And make sure to wash them regularly to keep them clean.
Put your bags back in the same place
After unpacking your shopping, put them back by the door, in your car or in your carry bag so they are ready for next time.
Keep a variety of bags
It's always best to use bags that you already have at home instead of buying new ones. We recommend using a variety of bags that:
- are durable – look for thick straps and strong stitching that are sturdy enough to carry heavier items such as milk or juice bottles
- are functional – some bags fold up to a size small enough to easily fit into your carry bag and some can even be clipped onto your key ring
- are sustainable – made from cotton, canvas, calico or recycled plastic
- you like to be seen with – if you like the look and style of something, you are more likely to use it.
Swap plastic fruit and vegetable bags for a reusable alternative
Reusable fruit and vegetable bags (also known as produce bags) are small, lightweight bags that come in various materials, sizes and designs. You can buy them at most major retailers including supermarkets, smaller shops or from online retailers. You could even create and make your own if you’re handy with a sewing machine. Keep them with your reusable shopping bags to avoid using plastic bags when you shop for fruit and vegetables.
Find a small act that works for you
There are many easy ways to reduce waste and recycle more. Find small acts that work for you and be part of Victoria’s sustainable future.