Remove food and liquids from your recycling

Small acts are all it takes to make a big impact
If you remove food and liquids from containers before putting them into the recycling bin, you help to keep the whole collected load clean. Then more of it can be turned into new products like egg cartons, cans or glass jars and prevent recyclables ending up in landfill.
It’s a small act with a big impact on Victoria’s sustainable future.
Why it matters
Any food or liquid that’s left inside a recyclable container can spill over other items in your recycling bin, inside the collection truck and at the recycling facility. This reduces the quality of the materials and causes problems in the recycling process.
The added benefit of emptying food and liquid from containers reduces any smells in your recycling bin that could attract pests. For some people, this means they no longer feel the need to bag their recyclables to keep things clean and less smelly. Even more of your recycling is processed and turned into new things by putting recycling in the bin loose and not in bags.
Tips and tricks
How clean is clean?
Your recyclables don’t have to be spotless, just clean and dry enough so that nothing can spill onto other materials. Simply scrape out any food or pour out any excess liquid. If necessary, give them a quick rinse.
Water-saving tips
To prevent smells and keep food or liquids from spilling onto other items, give your recyclables a quick rinse in old dishwashing or cooking water to save water. If the container has a lid, put a small amount of water inside, shake vigorously and empty before recycling.
Find a small act that works for you
There are many easy ways to reduce waste and recycle more. Find small acts that work for you and be part of Victoria’s sustainable future.