Our partners

Last updated: 13 January 2025

We support and complement the work of our portfolio partners by providing advice to inform policy, and delivering programs that encourage organisations to go beyond the minimum environmental compliance requirements.

The environment portfolio (Sustainability Victoria, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action and EPA Victoria) provides the Victorian Government with policy advice, environmental regulation, programs to implement policies and reporting on the state of Victoria's environment.

Sustainability Victoria delivers programs to achieve the Victorian Government's policy objectives. We support and complement the work of our portfolio partners by providing advice to inform policy, and delivering programs that encourage organisations to go beyond the minimum environmental compliance requirements.

We also support and complement other departments and agencies beyond the environment portfolio including the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions in its role to promote economic development and Victoria's clean tech sector.

New Victorian Waste Act and Waste Authority – a proposed model

As part of the Recycling Victoria: A new economy policy, the Victorian Government committed to developing a new waste and recycling Act and establishing a waste authority by 2021.

A new Act and authority will provide the Victorian Government with a system-wide view that will allow it to more effectively oversee the waste and recycling sector, including predicting and responding to future market shocks. This will also ensure that waste and recycling services are reliable and meet community expectations, and contribute to Victoria’s waste and recycling goals.